I finally became Valiant after 2 years! (It’s not what you think)

VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,184 ★★★★★
edited February 25 in General Discussion
Long post ahead!

2 years ago, I quit the game for good (or so I thought). Back then, I was really deep into the game. I was trying to learn almost every interaction, mastering almost all the difficult champions (Prof X, Tigra, Quake, Kitty, etc.), finishing all the everest content (Abyss, Carina’s, etc), and was leading a high Plat alliance. It was during the so-called “plateau” or some may call the “transition” when everything was getting stale and almost everyone is catching up to the chase. So, they introduced Relics and 7*s… and then I felt it. The feeling of emptiness when everything you have invested in had its value diminished in an instant. The chase is going to start all over again… and the Rollout will be drastically slow.

The initial 7* pool was decent but not enticing enough and that was it for me. I’ve got enough ADHD that I can’t wait for the long rollout again… and I quit. I unsubscribed to all the MCOC content creators but from time to time, I was checking which champions were being released (Onslaught surprised me as I was waiting for me. I thought he’d be an everest content boss.)

I really didn’t touch MCOC for 2 years. I played Sekiro, Elden Ring, Blasphemous, and the likes to scratch the itch… until roughly 2 weeks ago. I decided to play the game again.

There’s a lot of content now! 7*s have rolled out pretty well… and I got the feeing of excitement again, especially after learning that there’s a new progression tier, Valiant. So I set my spreadsheet to plan my Valiant run.

When I quit the game I only had 1 6*R5 (Tigra) and around 10 6*R4. My 7* roster was only 6 champs (Mantis, Titania, Bishop, War Machine, Killmonger, and Elsa). The plan was to explore Act 8, clear Act 9 and then buy the remaining T4 Alpha in Battleground Store (around 40%). It was fun… again. Fortunately, Act 8 and Act 9 bosses were too easy so after roughly two weeks, I’m now Valiant!

My roster got a dramatic boost just by doing those two. I pulled a lot of champions that I think are good? I ranked up Photon and Kushala to R3. I was debating between Kushala and Juggernaut (he solo’ed Orochi for me) but decided with Kush.

I’m now excited to play again to catch up. I got a lot of champions to learn that it feels like I’m playing new again. I’m definitely trying Necropolis and Epoch soon! Glad to see that there’s still a lot of familiar faces here. Cheers!

Footnotes / My fun takeaways:

- I’m surprised that Relic didn’t really rollout that well. It still feels like nothing has changed for two years except a new relic or two. I was expecting way more relics by now.

- Champion are being released fairly balanced compared to before because of the BG and AW focus instead of story content. Buffs are exciting too. I like it. I’m glad that they finally buffed Purgatory. Her aesthetic is top tier but her old kit was really underwhelming.

- When I’m pulling 7*s, I have no idea if they’re good or not. Haha! I pulled Photon, Kushala, and Prowler who were all at the top but I didn’t know how to react. Lol. I’m still unfamiliar with the new champs and buffs so an advice for my account will be greatly appreciated!

- Current Summoner’s Sigil is lackluster.

- I’m ISO and Gold dirt poor right now after all the rankups. My 7*R3 Kushala ain’t even Max Level. Lol.

P.S. Any tips will be greatly appreciated, especially Epoch and Necropolis related. I’ve been reading a lot that Epoch is easier to complete. I’m still undecided.

P.P.S. I’m going to get you, 7* Onslaught!

P.P.P.S. I probably missed the stress this game was giving me.


  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★
    edited February 25
    i guess ur having fun pulling the god tier champs after 2 years ago you wasnt going anywhere in the game and decided not to grind anymore?

    so quit the game again...come back again 2 years and get newest title progression.

    i believe valient is over 1 year old now, its easier than ever to get this title progression.

    so see you in 2 more title progression? you will be excited again and now know what champs are good, again lol

    how are you gonna comeback in 2 years say sigil is lackluster rofl and now say everything is easier when it actually is with the champs you pull.

    its like those 2 years ment nothing but ok.

    see you in 2 years.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★
    edited February 25

    i guess ur having fun pulling the god tier champs after 2 years ago you wasnt going anywhere in the game and decided not to grind anymore?

    so quit the game again...come back again 2 years and get newest title progression.

    i believe valient is over 1 year old now, its easier than ever to get this title progression.

    so see you in 2 more title progression? you will be excited again and now know what champs are good, again lol

    how are you gonna comeback in 2 years say sigil is lackluster rofl and now say everything is easier when it actually is with the champs you pull.

    its like those 2 years ment nothing but ok.

    see you in 2 years.

    First off, I didn’t say that everything is easier nor was I complaining. I mostly used my familiar 6*R4s that I ranked 5 along the run as I still am not familiar with the new champs.

    Sigil is lackluster because it’s still hasn’t change significantly.

    Man, why are you so bitter and insecure? Your mom forgot to hug you when you were little? I’m not even bragging. I know it’s easier for me as there’s available content to get the materials to Valiant. Any problem with that? Does it hurt your ego that I got it too fast? I’m sorry if that hurts your soul.

    Well, I’m just happy to be back again. I miss people like you with room temperature IQ here in the forums. Lol.

    No it doesn’t lol

    It sounded like you was done with the game then cameback when it was easier, ofcourse it’s easier than ever to get valient and 7* now compared to when you quit.

    Huh? Nobody is jealous man since your trying to come off like that and I made plenty of post saying how bad the Sigil update wasnt improved that much myself.

    New players on youtube are making videos how fast it is to get valient, the gifting event made it even easier.

    kabam is throwing valient rewards with paragon and thronebreaker so it really isn’t anything worthwhile anymore until newer title progression comes

    I got valient as soon at was released it took me less than a month to get it.

    I have over 25 r3’s 7* and over 140 7*

    So no im not jealous since you trying to come off as that. It just looked like you was fed up with the game there quit when 7* came out like a lot of people did then cameback when it was easier than ever.

    A lot rewards have been outdated and players like us already got through necro and epoch especially when kabam hasn’t updated anything worthwhile in the game for awhile especially the main game mode battlegrounds hasn’t been updated

    A lot valients with big rosters are already waiting for next progression title and have huge rosters.

    Sure everything feels new and great for you, that’s good for you.

    Again it came off as you was fed up with the game quit, then cameback ofcourse it’s easier than ever to get into the game.

    Have coupe paths done in epoch already, and I’m halfway to getting my first r4 7* myself

    Just grinding and saving potions, resources until 4th of July deals come along and I should have 100% epoch by then.

    And here’s top 3 rows of my roster.

    Anyways aslong as you enjoy the game that’s all that matters. Goodluck

  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,947 ★★★★★
    My personal content opinion is do epoch of pain after exploring act 9.1 (and maybe act 8). It has by far the best rewards. I wouldn’t explore necropolis at this point. I’d probably suggest you do a completion run that also completes the 10 year anniversary full necropolis run Carina’s challenge. Tag me if you’ve got questions about any of those.
  • TheUglyone123TheUglyone123 Member Posts: 281 ★★★
    edited February 25

    i guess ur having fun pulling the god tier champs after 2 years ago you wasnt going anywhere in the game and decided not to grind anymore?

    so quit the game again...come back again 2 years and get newest title progression.

    i believe valient is over 1 year old now, its easier than ever to get this title progression.

    so see you in 2 more title progression? you will be excited again and now know what champs are good, again lol

    how are you gonna comeback in 2 years say sigil is lackluster rofl and now say everything is easier when it actually is with the champs you pull.

    its like those 2 years ment nothing but ok.

    see you in 2 years.

    First off, I didn’t say that everything is easier nor was I complaining. I mostly used my familiar 6*R4s that I ranked 5 along the run as I still am not familiar with the new champs.

    Sigil is lackluster because it’s still hasn’t change significantly.

    Man, why are you so bitter and insecure? Your mom forgot to hug you when you were little? I’m not even bragging. I know it’s easier for me as there’s available content to get the materials to Valiant. Any problem with that? Does it hurt your ego that I got it too fast? I’m sorry if that hurts your soul.

    Well, I’m just happy to be back again. I miss people like you with room temperature IQ here in the forums. Lol.

    No it doesn’t lol

    It sounded like you was done with the game then cameback when it was easier, ofcourse it’s easier than ever to get valient and 7* now compared to when you quit.

    Huh? Nobody is jealous man since your trying to come off like that and I made plenty of post saying how bad the Sigil update wasnt improved that much myself.

    New players on youtube are making videos how fast it is to get valient, the gifting event made it even easier.

    kabam is throwing valient rewards with paragon and thronebreaker so it really isn’t anything worthwhile anymore until newer title progression comes

    I got valient as soon at was released it took me less than a month to get it.

    I have over 25 r3’s 7* and over 140 7*

    So no im not jealous since you trying to come off as that. It just looked like you was fed up with the game there quit when 7* came out like a lot of people did then cameback when it was easier than ever.

    A lot rewards have been outdated and players like us already got through necro and epoch especially when kabam hasn’t updated anything worthwhile in the game for awhile especially the main game mode battlegrounds hasn’t been updated

    A lot valients with big rosters are already waiting for next progression title and have huge rosters.

    Sure everything feels new and great for you, that’s good for you.

    Again it came off as you was fed up with the game quit, then cameback ofcourse it’s easier than ever to get into the game.

    Have coupe paths done in epoch already, and I’m halfway to getting my first r4 7* myself

    Just grinding and saving potions, resources until 4th of July deals come along and I should have 100% epoch by then.

    And here’s top 3 rows of my roster.

    Anyways aslong as you enjoy the game that’s all that matters. Goodluck

    This is one of the weirdest replies to a summoner becoming valiant I’ve ever seen. Cause it’s totally OPs fault that it’s easier to become valiant now than it was to become valiant when it first came out. That doesn’t make any sense. I don’t know why you default to this response. Stop assuming the worst. Also, weird flex with dropping your roster.

    OP congrats on valiant! I came back to the game last November and became valiant pretty quickly too. You got some great champs that will get you far. Best of luck!!

  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★

    i guess ur having fun pulling the god tier champs after 2 years ago you wasnt going anywhere in the game and decided not to grind anymore?

    so quit the game again...come back again 2 years and get newest title progression.

    i believe valient is over 1 year old now, its easier than ever to get this title progression.

    so see you in 2 more title progression? you will be excited again and now know what champs are good, again lol

    how are you gonna comeback in 2 years say sigil is lackluster rofl and now say everything is easier when it actually is with the champs you pull.

    its like those 2 years ment nothing but ok.

    see you in 2 years.

    First off, I didn’t say that everything is easier nor was I complaining. I mostly used my familiar 6*R4s that I ranked 5 along the run as I still am not familiar with the new champs.

    Sigil is lackluster because it’s still hasn’t change significantly.

    Man, why are you so bitter and insecure? Your mom forgot to hug you when you were little? I’m not even bragging. I know it’s easier for me as there’s available content to get the materials to Valiant. Any problem with that? Does it hurt your ego that I got it too fast? I’m sorry if that hurts your soul.

    Well, I’m just happy to be back again. I miss people like you with room temperature IQ here in the forums. Lol.
    Your story clearly had nothing to do with him or even implied 1% of the things he was responding to.
    He obviously saw something in it that triggered him and he needed to try to put you down in order to erase that feeling.
    Maybe he's been wanting to quit and can't because he's addicted, so seeing a story of someone who left when they were unhappy and then came back on their own terms and are enjoying the game was too much for him to stomach?

    Me wanting to quit no not at all. No reason to quit

    All we want is the game rewards to be updated lol and plenty of people have voiced there concerns.

    But there’s going to be a new title progression to chase, seeing as it’s now easier to get Valient nowadays is what I’m saying.

    When the new title progression comes out after Valient ofcourse it’s going to be hard to get when it comes out.

    Game ain’t perfect but there’s more reason the game is in one of its worst state that’s it’s in right now

    Just look at the backlash of Sigil they had to revamp it and redo it after all negative feedback

    Crazy how you came to that conclusion aswel my game with mcoc doesn’t even effect your game mcoc🤣
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★

    i guess ur having fun pulling the god tier champs after 2 years ago you wasnt going anywhere in the game and decided not to grind anymore?

    so quit the game again...come back again 2 years and get newest title progression.

    i believe valient is over 1 year old now, its easier than ever to get this title progression.

    so see you in 2 more title progression? you will be excited again and now know what champs are good, again lol

    how are you gonna comeback in 2 years say sigil is lackluster rofl and now say everything is easier when it actually is with the champs you pull.

    its like those 2 years ment nothing but ok.

    see you in 2 years.

    First off, I didn’t say that everything is easier nor was I complaining. I mostly used my familiar 6*R4s that I ranked 5 along the run as I still am not familiar with the new champs.

    Sigil is lackluster because it’s still hasn’t change significantly.

    Man, why are you so bitter and insecure? Your mom forgot to hug you when you were little? I’m not even bragging. I know it’s easier for me as there’s available content to get the materials to Valiant. Any problem with that? Does it hurt your ego that I got it too fast? I’m sorry if that hurts your soul.

    Well, I’m just happy to be back again. I miss people like you with room temperature IQ here in the forums. Lol.

    No it doesn’t lol

    It sounded like you was done with the game then cameback when it was easier, ofcourse it’s easier than ever to get valient and 7* now compared to when you quit.

    Huh? Nobody is jealous man since your trying to come off like that and I made plenty of post saying how bad the Sigil update wasnt improved that much myself.

    New players on youtube are making videos how fast it is to get valient, the gifting event made it even easier.

    kabam is throwing valient rewards with paragon and thronebreaker so it really isn’t anything worthwhile anymore until newer title progression comes

    I got valient as soon at was released it took me less than a month to get it.

    I have over 25 r3’s 7* and over 140 7*

    So no im not jealous since you trying to come off as that. It just looked like you was fed up with the game there quit when 7* came out like a lot of people did then cameback when it was easier than ever.

    A lot rewards have been outdated and players like us already got through necro and epoch especially when kabam hasn’t updated anything worthwhile in the game for awhile especially the main game mode battlegrounds hasn’t been updated

    A lot valients with big rosters are already waiting for next progression title and have huge rosters.

    Sure everything feels new and great for you, that’s good for you.

    Again it came off as you was fed up with the game quit, then cameback ofcourse it’s easier than ever to get into the game.

    Have coupe paths done in epoch already, and I’m halfway to getting my first r4 7* myself

    Just grinding and saving potions, resources until 4th of July deals come along and I should have 100% epoch by then.

    And here’s top 3 rows of my roster.

    Anyways aslong as you enjoy the game that’s all that matters. Goodluck

    This is one of the weirdest replies to a summoner becoming valiant I’ve ever seen. Cause it’s totally OPs fault that it’s easier to become valiant now than it was to become valiant when it first came out. That doesn’t make any sense. I don’t know why you default to this response. Stop assuming the worst. Also, weird flex with dropping your roster.

    OP congrats on valiant! I came back to the game last November and became valiant pretty quickly too. You got some great champs that will get you far. Best of luck!!

    Never said it was his fault it was easy to get it I was sayings it’s easier now than ever to get it.

    I said kabam has grouped valient rewards with thronebreaker and paragon, the banquet even gave a lot of new players access to resources and its huge leap that helped alot of players become valient.

    This shows that the next title progression is coming.

    I was just showing my roster because it’s clearly im not a “new” valient player that’s all.

    Theres plenty of valients with 30+ r3’s and r4’s

    I don’t even have an r4 yet Im just saving revives instead of blasting through it.

    But if a new title oppression drops and you need multiple r4’s you bet im getting that new title progression as soon as I can.
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,184 ★★★★★

    Your story clearly had nothing to do with him or even implied 1% of the things he was responding to.
    He obviously saw something in it that triggered him and he needed to try to put you down in order to erase that feeling.
    Maybe he's been wanting to quit and can't because he's addicted, so seeing a story of someone who left when they were unhappy and then came back on their own terms and are enjoying the game was too much for him to stomach?

    It’s pretty too self-centered. That kid has literally no reason to come here and attack with that attitude. But, yea, it’s the internet. Lol.
    Will3808 said:

    My personal content opinion is do epoch of pain after exploring act 9.1 (and maybe act 8). It has by far the best rewards. I wouldn’t explore necropolis at this point. I’d probably suggest you do a completion run that also completes the 10 year anniversary full necropolis run Carina’s challenge. Tag me if you’ve got questions about any of those.

    Thanks! Exactly what I needed! I’ve done Act 8 Exploration and almost done with Act 9.1 (explored 9.1.4 to 9.1.6 already). I’m definitely thinking if I should go Necro or Epoch. Epoch looks doable but I think it’s 7* gated. I’m currently looking at doing the Science/Tech path. Photon then I’ll rankup my 6* Ironheart.

    Is the Necro not worth it now? Yea, I’m also looking at the 10 year challenge. I did Abyss exploration with Carina’s Vol. 2 back then and it was fun. Hoping to do the same here to get two birds in one stone. Thanks again!

    This is one of the weirdest replies to a summoner becoming valiant I’ve ever seen. Cause it’s totally OPs fault that it’s easier to become valiant now than it was to become valiant when it first came out. That doesn’t make any sense. I don’t know why you default to this response. Stop assuming the worst. Also, weird flex with dropping your roster.

    OP congrats on valiant! I came back to the game last November and became valiant pretty quickly too. You got some great champs that will get you far. Best of luck!!

    Yea, totally weird kid.

    Thanks, fam! November is a better place to return because of all the event that transpired last December. Cool, that you’ve been enjoying the game since you return! Cheers!

    @ContestOfNoobs It’s Valiant, not Valient.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,107 ★★★★★
    It’s the auto correct but I stand with my other reason lol I wasn’t attacking you you just made it seem like I was.

    It seemed you took was frustrated with the game and left.

    im sure everything is new and exciting for you since your return and good for you lol.

  • WhatsGoodEnglishWhatsGoodEnglish Member Posts: 116 ★★

    Long post ahead!

    2 years ago, I quit the game for good (or so I thought). Back then, I was really deep into the game. I was trying to learn almost every interaction, mastering almost all the difficult champions (Prof X, Tigra, Quake, Kitty, etc.), finishing all the everest content (Abyss, Carina’s, etc), and was leading a high Plat alliance. It was during the so-called “plateau” or some may call the “transition” when everything was getting stale and almost everyone is catching up to the chase. So, they introduced Relics and 7*s… and then I felt it. The feeling of emptiness when everything you have invested in had its value diminished in an instant. The chase is going to start all over again… and the Rollout will be drastically slow.

    The initial 7* pool was decent but not enticing enough and that was it for me. I’ve got enough ADHD that I can’t wait for the long rollout again… and I quit. I unsubscribed to all the MCOC content creators but from time to time, I was checking which champions were being released (Onslaught surprised me as I was waiting for me. I thought he’d be an everest content boss.)

    I really didn’t touch MCOC for 2 years. I played Sekiro, Elden Ring, Blasphemous, and the likes to scratch the itch… until roughly 2 weeks ago. I decided to play the game again.

    There’s a lot of content now! 7*s have rolled out pretty well… and I got the feeing of excitement again, especially after learning that there’s a new progression tier, Valiant. So I set my spreadsheet to plan my Valiant run.

    When I quit the game I only had 1 6*R5 (Tigra) and around 10 6*R4. My 7* roster was only 6 champs (Mantis, Titania, Bishop, War Machine, Killmonger, and Elsa). The plan was to explore Act 8, clear Act 9 and then buy the remaining T4 Alpha in Battleground Store (around 40%). It was fun… again. Fortunately, Act 8 and Act 9 bosses were too easy so after roughly two weeks, I’m now Valiant!

    Congratulations! I have a similar story to yours. I stopped playing in August 2023. I just wasn’t able to derive any joy from the game at that point. I started back up again in December of last year and did a ton of grinding to get valiant in time to get the valiant Christmas gift. I know exactly what you mean about being ISO poor. The same thing happened to me when I took my second 7* to R3 to get the title. It looks like you’re building a pretty great roster of decent champions. Despite the many criticisms I have, I do feel like this game is in a lot better place now than what it was when I left it and I’m enjoying myself a lot more. Welcome back
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    @Vendemiaire good on you, dude! it’s a GAME. it’s unnecessary, it is something to fill our free time. MCOC, all games, are worthless unless each of us is getting some gratification or joy.

    you had what made it fun for you, you didn’t feel it anymore, and bounced. cool.
    EVEN BETTER, you knew it was something you wanted to return to eventually, and you found that spark when you came back.

    no clue why your thread got quite so negative, but glad you’re enjoying your return and setting/ overcoming new goals. helps me be mindful of what I enjoy here. thanks. o)
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,184 ★★★★★

    It’s the auto correct but I stand with my other reason lol I wasn’t attacking you you just made it seem like I was.

    It seemed you took was frustrated with the game and left.

    im sure everything is new and exciting for you since your return and good for you lol.

    Sure. Autocorrect of a non-existing word. Lol.

    Congratulations! I have a similar story to yours. I stopped playing in August 2023. I just wasn’t able to derive any joy from the game at that point. I started back up again in December of last year and did a ton of grinding to get valiant in time to get the valiant Christmas gift. I know exactly what you mean about being ISO poor. The same thing happened to me when I took my second 7* to R3 to get the title. It looks like you’re building a pretty great roster of decent champions. Despite the many criticisms I have, I do feel like this game is in a lot better place now than what it was when I left it and I’m enjoying myself a lot more. Welcome back

    Thanks, fam! Yea, I also quit the game around that time. The rollout was slow, as expected. I’m glad it worked out relatively well for them for us to still enjoy this now.

    Before Christmas was really the perfect time to return to the game. Happy for you that you came at the right game! The rewards would have been awesome! I’m scraping every little corner of the Battlerealm for ISO. Lol. Thanks again!

    Btw, I got this from the Valiant crystal from Off-Season war rewards. Kabam is really spoiling me. Got my 2nd 7*R3 awakened really fast.

    @Vendemiaire good on you, dude! it’s a GAME. it’s unnecessary, it is something to fill our free time. MCOC, all games, are worthless unless each of us is getting some gratification or joy.

    you had what made it fun for you, you didn’t feel it anymore, and bounced. cool.
    EVEN BETTER, you knew it was something you wanted to return to eventually, and you found that spark when you came back.

    no clue why your thread got quite so negative, but glad you’re enjoying your return and setting/ overcoming new goals. helps me be mindful of what I enjoy here. thanks. o)

    Thanks, fam! Yea, it’s just a game but it gets deep to the ego for some people who always think it should be always about them. But I don’t really mind, I’m having fun again and that’s what matters. This game gives that good feeling of chase and I’m here for it. Hope you’re getting your piece of joy, too.
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