I don't know, but cheaters usually win the fights in less than 20 seconds. This seems a little drawn out for a modder.
How are you so confident and wrong so often.
Because, proper growth in life requires introspection, self reflection, self realization, and recourse. Some folks lack many of these growth periods in their development in life. Usually due to child hood trauma, either little T or big T, that goes unresolved. Sad state of affairs
I don't know, but cheaters usually win the fights in less than 20 seconds. This seems a little drawn out for a modder.
How are you so confident and wrong so often.
Because, proper growth in life requires introspection, self reflection, self realization, and recourse. Some folks lack many of these growth periods in their development in life. Usually due to child hood trauma, either little T or big T, that goes unresolved. Sad state of affairs
I don't know, but cheaters usually win the fights in less than 20 seconds. This seems a little drawn out for a modder.
How are you so confident and wrong so often.
real question is how this guy always gets in some sort of thread drama 😭
lol, ok, maybe, but what did I even do in this thread? just mentioned I didn't know whether this was cheating or not, and that usually I see cheaters win fights quicker... Now I have monobrain stalking me in every thread talking about my childhood for some reason...
I believe the damage is dealt during indescribable phase, After her sp3 she deals huge damage via heaviez and is indestructible, I assume the damage back is around 214% of tirania's total health but since she's indestructible at that time she didn't got any damage back. I think that's what happened.
goes unresolved. Sad state of affairs
real question is how this guy always gets in some sort of thread drama 😭