Gacha Keys for Incursion/Loyalty Crystal?

SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,512 ★★★★★
I figured since the technology is out now, we can utilize it for other areas like the Incursions and Loyalty Crystal. Granted, Crashed did say the team did not see improvement to AW participation (not surprised), so it would be nice if we can get solid ways to dupe new champions instead of getting Aarkus 3 times in a row


  • TheUglyone123TheUglyone123 Member Posts: 305 ★★★
    I think this is a great idea
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 677 ★★★
    @Ayemeboi absolutely! think Kabam sees them still as chase champions, but with the speed of 7* development there’s just SO MANY options in the base pool, let alone titans. there’s just no NEED to stress over the missing.

    I mean, I still need Angela and Void in my 7* life, but I’m really not hurting for choice while I wait. it’s more of an inconvenience than a motivating factor.
  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,364 ★★★★★
    Yeah that way i can finally get Black Cat instead of duping rest of them
  • AyemeboiAyemeboi Member Posts: 79 ★★
    @Java_Junkie you make an excellent point about it feeling like a nuisance to get these as well, and I can’t agree more.

    For the alliance crystal, I naturally accrue the shards just by playing, but I never go out of my way to get it. For the incursions crystal, I have to dedicate so much time to a game mode that I don’t find that enjoyable just to get these exclusive champions.

    There isn’t really any motivation to get these crystals, and the fact they’re stuck behind long timers and high entry costs doesn’t really make them appealing anymore. I get it, we want to have some exclusive, hard to get 7* that make the game exciting. It just gets to a point where I feel like unless I get the resources organically, I am not motivated to engage in the grind it would take to get them.
  • The_Doctor_24_1The_Doctor_24_1 Member Posts: 215 ★★
    No wonder there's no improvement on AW participation, the rewards are not worth the effort of playing on a high tier alliance and then waiting for 80-90 days for a Mordo it's not helping at all. I despise waiting that long. They should either decrease the time period, improve the Loyalty store, get new champs in there or do as you say with the keys, but something. At this moment it feels like there's nothing to do in game
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,556 ★★★★★
    I’d probably start playing Incursions again if they did this. I’ve pulled everyone other than my top choice, Hulkbuster, and for several of them have multiple pulls. Have pretty much given up on pulling him given my combined bad luck and dislike for that game mode.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★★
    Ayemeboi said:

    Or at least decreasing the time and cost for these crystals. 7 stars aren’t a rarity anymore. I would suggest something that lowers the shards (and time) and artifacts needed to open these crystals. I get them being a rarity, but having to play every level of incursions every month for 2-3 months is kinda crazy.

    It's genuinely absurd that the loyalty cooldown timer is 90 days considering the Incursions one is only a month.
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