Week 4 SQ Phoenix… What!??

Seems like an easy fight at first. But this Phoenix keeps gaining unstoppable no matter whether is staggered (passive). This part is pretty easy to understand and play around. However, she’s supposed to gain unstoppable only when she gains fury which should be easily managed with most mystics with stagger, nullify, fate seal etc…
What’s funny is she’s gaining unstoppable without any furies and then goes unblockable too!!
Considering defender HP, it can be brute forced easily but what the actual hell is going on here!!!?! I have tried Doom, Abs man, LS, Kushala, Mordo and then a bunch of other mystics! No one seems to deny her the unstoppable!!
Can someone test this fight and tell me what I am missing?
What’s funny is she’s gaining unstoppable without any furies and then goes unblockable too!!
Considering defender HP, it can be brute forced easily but what the actual hell is going on here!!!?! I have tried Doom, Abs man, LS, Kushala, Mordo and then a bunch of other mystics! No one seems to deny her the unstoppable!!
Can someone test this fight and tell me what I am missing?
Someone else in my alliance also mentioned having trouble with her though and that Stagger wasn't working - maybe the coding to trigger the unstoppable/unblockable activates BEFORE stagger takes effect? So they trigger the fury, which triggers the unstoppable/unblockable, THEN Stagger takes effect and nullifies the fury but the unstoppable has already taken hold?
No one, including Doom’s stagger stopped Medusa from getting Unstoppable/Unblockable. Chee’ilth wasn’t bypassing her because of her autoblock limiting getting back to SP1.
Does Wiccan work on her too?
Would love some advice on her.
Juggernaut (lots of heavies)
7r2 Spider-hm for the bonus boss win.
If you are using Wiccan specifically for his Neutralise, then the normal rotation that I use is:
- MLLLL to place the initial neutralise on them - briefly paused
- Either MLLLM to place incinerate or Heavy for Arcane Theft, both to build power and pause spells again - use whichever is easier and/or more applicable in the fight
- MLLLL -> SP1 - reapplies the Neutralise with a longer timer and also re-pauses all spells
From there, work as the fight requires and as the opponent allows. If you are slow-playing for whatever reason then you're probably best to recycle MLLLL -> SP1 rotations solely to keep the Neutralise reliably active, mixing in the other 3 spells as they're unused to keep the pauses in place and avoid losing the Neutralise. However if you're gaining power quickly enough then build up Incinerates via MLLLM until you get to your SP2 and then throw that out to inflict the plasmas and burn them down. Refresh the Neutralise via MLLLL -> SP1 as required.
Using that, he easily handled all 3 opponents on this path, and Medusa was the EASIEST because she procs the Furies the fastest of the 3 of them so she was just ticking up the Incinerates like crazy.
But seriously if this design is intentional it's more of the same trash. The side quests shouldn't be like this (and arguably any other content too).
Stacking nodes acts like gates restricting too many of our champs as viable options. But that seem to be what they've been doing for years now......
As an aside, would Hulk work and just stun lock?
The nulltify, stagger of Jugg, purgatory, isophine are not working for path1.
Path 2 is easy with serpent, medusa. and I solved the whole path 3 with a 7r3 sinister (maybe silk, titania so on.. can work very well)
wish I’d have thought of MooGod, but Claire (sp2) and Wiccan worked wonders. anyone try Tigra yet?
deathless she hulk with grit took care of all her bs