Knee-jerk reaction but I feel like we need to discuss this

The frankly aggressive monetization which usually im fine with but I feel like this stream took it a bit too far.
1 paid Pheonix dupe
1 paid Cyclops
1 paid Eidol
1 paid DDHK ("but you can use units" you already know it'll be alot.)
I probably missed some too but come on guys. On top of the monthly champions and other sales and deals. We dont have to buy anything but you can at least not present stuff like how you were this stream.
1 paid Pheonix dupe
1 paid Cyclops
1 paid Eidol
1 paid DDHK ("but you can use units" you already know it'll be alot.)
I probably missed some too but come on guys. On top of the monthly champions and other sales and deals. We dont have to buy anything but you can at least not present stuff like how you were this stream.
The pay-to elements of the game is getting crazy this year. Another plat track, 7* daredevil offers, bastion in the store, new eidol chase, phoenix dupe chase. It's kinda scary.
Small rant over.
You don't need to buy any of those champs. Stay strong
it’s not about getting it early, it’s about the fact that if you don’t pay, you fall behind, you fall behind and they will release a crazy counter to whatever it is you were trying to get, then you’ll fall behind on that. It’s a trap, and the only key is to pay.
A lot of 'cool' 7* are extremely hard to get these days.
Then we include the ones we want, and the probability goes down into negetives.
a ) there's still daily rewards for players who don't spend
b ) it is the most cost-to-value ratio content in the entire game when there's a 7* champion attached at the end of it.
I do agree with you that there's A LOT. And I will fall further behind the whales but at this point without a 7* Onslaught, Serpent, Red Skull, Sentinel, Enchantress, or Bullseye, I already feel about as far behind as you can get, so it just seems pretty normal to me.
It's a little too aggressive imo, and I'm not F2P.
"Look at this cool chanp you've been waiting for!" Gonna have to pay for the dupe tho
"Look at this cool special champ we've been hyping up which it's predecessor and deathless counterparts you could all get for free!" Gonna have to pay for this one tho lol
"Look at this absolutely AWESOME buff for an amazing champ you guys have wanted and voted for!" Gonna have to pay for it tho
"Look at this cool 7* champ that we're releasing!" Gonna have to pay for him tho (even though he isn't amazing and they could have easily made a way for us to earn it) etc. Etc.
Its not that these things exist. Its how they hype it up and then rapid fire back to back to back to back shoot us in the face with the monetizing.
Like we cant even take a second to appreciate how effing cool some of it is and have a flicker of hope we can somehow earn it before John or Mike goes "gotta cough up that dough tho"
I’m not worried about falling behind, as im not one of the 30 r3 7* valiants, I only have 3. I keep it casual.
The comment I made was from a perspective of a try hard f2p player, I think you missed the point
This is more a personal take, so I'm not expecting everyone to share this sentiment. I think I'll finish my epoch exploration (3 paths left), rank up my r4, then just take a step back from the game. This increasing trend of monetization, stagnation of existing game modes, and new op champs that then get neutered by newer hard counter champs has definitely induced some burn out for me. They're giving away more for free than they used to, which is great, but it doesn't really feel very exciting. Maybe it's just me, I wanna know what others feel about this.