Posting videos, why can’t we do it?

I don’t understand why this forum doesn’t allow you to post a video of what’s going on in this stupid game. There’s no way I can explain what I’m visually seeing and how screwed up this game is I sent in a Help ticket they send me here. How am I supposed to explain that my iPad mini keeps freezing and I’m losing half a life when I’m trying to go into a fight in alliance war how can I explain the glitch in the loading screen without a video for them to see ….how can they fix something They can’t see sometimes a picture isn’t going to do it. You need to see a video of it actually happening and trust me. I have plenty of them. I understand that the season hasn’t started, but this has been going on for a few seasons now and I’m getting really tired of it, trying to explain to my alliance members that it’s not me that’s dying and losing an attack bonus. It’s the stupid game. Glitching before I even start the fight. I can show them a video, but why can I show this forum a video? because isn’t this where all the Kabam geniuses come to explain what they’re not doing or what they are doing…. I’ll tell you what they’re not doing. They’re not fixing the darn game…. They should take that 250k plus that that guy spent at the banquet last year and buy a group of people that can fix this game