Where are the reward buffs for bgs

As you know a lot of people love battlegrounds but these days the rewards are so old and outdated and need cost reductions. I'm not understanding why they haven't addressed this issue yet but like Trappy said of they don't do anything the gamemode will die.
The difference in GC rewards between Uru and Celestial also makes pushing past Uru very meaningless.
The BG store though is the best store in the game currently, though I can't say the competition is stiff.
I'm pretty sure it will have some type of update next season but who knows if it will be worth it.
Everyone in the top 25 does it for every other reason except the rewards, which are ABYSMAL. I'm just guessing here but I'm betting that most streams and views on twitch and YT are BG related. It's the closest thing to PVP that the game offers and people love that. No one loves the rewards. Not at the top, not in the middle...
Please show some love to the players and the game mode. It's long overdue.