8.1.2 BPCW boss *after* the buff?

UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,872 ★★★★★
edited March 2 in General Discussion

So I’m trying to do this fight and I hate it. It’s been worse than any boss in all of Chapter 8 and 9 for me besides that Claire Voyant.

I thought Colossus would be a sure bet as I have him a duped 7*, he has class advantage, and his armor ups can be converted to true strike Precision (from the node). But BPCW is NOT playing he’s being an absolute jerk, I can’t seem to attack him, and I’m obviously not able to parry him cause I’ll get stunned into oblivion. You don't have the advantage of before where you could parry him if he didn't have armor ups.

His chance to auto block without the Precision means when I try to hit him I’m taking a MASSIVE amount of damage and even my 7* rank 3’s were no match for him.

Once I had Colossus and Sinister KO’d, I tried the other three, and EACH TIME I only got 1% health off of BP before I died.

So… any tips or suggestions? I am absolutely hating this fight.


  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 820 ★★★★
    Seems like besides BPCW’s base kit, the only real threat is the autoblock. Don’t have any autoblock counters like Vox, duped Gorr, or Odin? They should work fine as long as you can get going. You can also bring in armor up champs to try to play into the buff synthesis node, but it feels easier to just bring in a champ that has autoblock counterplay built-in.

    You can safely stun BPCW with a champ that prevents purify or punishes it with a passive stun like Bishop. If you want you can bring one of those champs and just only hit him while stunned. Also worth noting that he can only reflect stuns while the reflective matrix is active, so there is a cooldown period where you can safely parry him with any champ.

    Also gotta shout out my boy Attuma, who has easy access to true accuracy to bypass autoblock and also purifies stun debuffs so the reflect stun isn’t actually a threat.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,680 ★★★★★
    Wags pre fight, Onslaught, Bishop, Negasonic, anyone who has a passive stun can get around his stun reflect
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,872 ★★★★★
    Squidopus said:

    Seems like besides BPCW’s base kit, the only real threat is the autoblock. Don’t have any autoblock counters like Vox, duped Gorr, or Odin? They should work fine as long as you can get going. You can also bring in armor up champs to try to play into the buff synthesis node, but it feels easier to just bring in a champ that has autoblock counterplay built-in.

    You can safely stun BPCW with a champ that prevents purify or punishes it with a passive stun like Bishop. If you want you can bring one of those champs and just only hit him while stunned. Also worth noting that he can only reflect stuns while the reflective matrix is active, so there is a cooldown period where you can safely parry him with any champ.

    Also gotta shout out my boy Attuma, who has easy access to true accuracy to bypass autoblock and also purifies stun debuffs so the reflect stun isn’t actually a threat.

    The cooldown feels SO short plus you have to stun for him to stun you back for it to go on cooldown so I'm already taking a bunch of damage.

    I don't have duped Gorr or Odin or Attuma. I have a Vox from the holiday 10 day thing but I have no idea how he works.
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 443 ★★★
    edited March 2
    I don't think Odin needs the dupe. If it's for an evade counter that is. (But then it occurs to me that you know this :) )
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 820 ★★★★

    Squidopus said:

    Seems like besides BPCW’s base kit, the only real threat is the autoblock. Don’t have any autoblock counters like Vox, duped Gorr, or Odin? They should work fine as long as you can get going. You can also bring in armor up champs to try to play into the buff synthesis node, but it feels easier to just bring in a champ that has autoblock counterplay built-in.

    You can safely stun BPCW with a champ that prevents purify or punishes it with a passive stun like Bishop. If you want you can bring one of those champs and just only hit him while stunned. Also worth noting that he can only reflect stuns while the reflective matrix is active, so there is a cooldown period where you can safely parry him with any champ.

    Also gotta shout out my boy Attuma, who has easy access to true accuracy to bypass autoblock and also purifies stun debuffs so the reflect stun isn’t actually a threat.

    The cooldown feels SO short plus you have to stun for him to stun you back for it to go on cooldown so I'm already taking a bunch of damage.

    I don't have duped Gorr or Odin or Attuma. I have a Vox from the holiday 10 day thing but I have no idea how he works.
    The reflective matrix goes on cooldown after a bit even if you don’t trigger the reflect stun. Definitely not an ideal thing to have to rely on but the opening is there.

    Vox is probably the most suspect counter I mentioned since they have to get to sp1 first to shut down autoblock, if that’s all you have for true strike/true accuracy/undermine options I’d probably just look at the suggestion of bringing a purify counter and just hitting BPCW while he’s parry stunned. Bishop, Storm, Storm X, Apoc, Onslaught, NTW, any of them could do it with a bit of time. Alternatively, any #Hero or #Metal champ with Wags prefight should be able to achieve the same thing.
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 820 ★★★★
    Oh yeah do you have Herc? True sense also bypasses autoblock and Herc has stun immune charges when he completes feats of strength. Just use the stun immunity to tide you over until you get to sp1 and, as the kids say, “just Herc it”.
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,240 ★★★★
    Squidopus said:

    Oh yeah do you have Herc? True sense also bypasses autoblock and Herc has stun immune charges when he completes feats of strength. Just use the stun immunity to tide you over until you get to sp1 and, as the kids say, “just Herc it”.

    As much as I despise agreeing with this, this might.be the way...
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,872 ★★★★★
    Squidopus said:

    Oh yeah do you have Herc? True sense also bypasses autoblock and Herc has stun immune charges when he completes feats of strength. Just use the stun immunity to tide you over until you get to sp1 and, as the kids say, “just Herc it”.

    Yeah I guess I’ll start over and just “Herc it” lol at least I’ll get it over with. Thanks
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,872 ★★★★★
    I couldn’t get Herc to work. Cause I couldn’t stun, I’d still get stunned back, couldn’t intercept for charges cause of autoblock, couldn’t heavy counter with a heavy because of the hits/reach of BP’s heavy.

    Only got Sp1 true strike once and I was already on Immortality from it because of reflection damage.

    lol this fight sucks. Can’t believe I’m gonna have to use multiple revives on 8.1.2 when these things should be a breeze at this point at my level.
  • Amanda_CruzeAmanda_Cruze Member Posts: 330 ★★
    Storm, storm x, bishop?
    They give passive stun
  • Cat_MurdockCat_Murdock Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,099 Content Creator
    I would try HOX Pre-Fight with Medusa. Passive stun will allow you openings and let you build to sp1. Parry and MM during the stun into your sp1 to inflict Armor Shattered and gain True Strike. This should counter both the auto block and the Explosive Personality

    I would be wary about the stun off the SP2, that might get reflected on you if you get to attack into it.
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