Looking for full BG 10+ Players AW Gold 4, AQ 6-6-5

We are [Ø Føx] Ð I L L I Ġ A F
Looking for 10+ Valiant or Paragon players
Mandatory Discord chat, participate in all AQ and AW
Must complete their path alone, revivers allowed
AQ actually Map 6-6-5, and optional Raids
We are AW Gold 4
For BattleGrounds there is no minimum, but participation preferably
Interested can find me on Discord or in-game chat as Jorgec0
Looking for 10+ Valiant or Paragon players
Mandatory Discord chat, participate in all AQ and AW
Must complete their path alone, revivers allowed
AQ actually Map 6-6-5, and optional Raids
We are AW Gold 4
For BattleGrounds there is no minimum, but participation preferably
Interested can find me on Discord or in-game chat as Jorgec0