Thoughts on Eidol Champs vs Deathless and the frustrations with monetization in the game

So I've been doing some thinking and thought I would collect my thoughts on the game in a post. I am not quitting the game any time soon, but have definitely considered cutting my spending a lot recently due to how buggy things have been and the chase resources being absurdly expensive (tier 7 pass currently offered in the store for example).
I think part of the reason why people are so upset these days are that while the Deathless champs had a skill ceiling to obtain and awaken the ask to obtain and awaken Eidol champs is astronomical in comparison. The way to get a champ for the various Deathless were all obtainable by a medium to high skill player dealing with relatively challenging content and engaging with obtainable goals (complete a path in Necropolis, hit one of six challenges, etc). Furthermore, awakening pretty much every Deathless champ was the same, beat a fight in Season of Pain with the champ. While these were time limited there was no cash demand on the player base.
Contrast that with Eidol champs. Isophyne was free to all accounts with even a moderate amount of progression, but to awaken her naturally you either needed to spend money on banquet crystals or had an insane amount of units saved for gifting crystals. This is a drastic change from the Deathless pieces that were in sight of all free to play players. The next Eidol champ (Lumatrix) again was told we would need to spend to acquire and awaken him unless at the very top of battlegrounds and war (which typically top tier players have to also spend). While hard limits were not placed on how much one would need to spend to get him ($10? $100? $400?) unless a top tier player, we were told that we would need to spend something.
I think the calculus on champ acquiescence has changed quite a bit. The number of champs who are unable to be acquired without paying for them has grown. While some are obtainable by free to play methods (Saga champs for example) a good portion of them are locked behind passes and Kabam has figured most players would determine it'll generate them more revenue to spend say $30 on a pass and have a crystal to hunt the champ than just having the .5% chance to acquire the champ from crystals. I personally don't mind this, but I can see how people are getting fed up with pay to win. Technically when you could only get a champ from crystals, that was still a pay to win scenario, it's just that by lowering the bar the pay amount is way lower to acquire someone like Dazzler than it would from hunting through crystals.
I feel like the latest live stream, changes to the Titan crystals and number of champs that have very limited options to obtain via free to play methods is understandably frustrating. I think Kabam has been relatively generous over the past few months with giving top tier players seven star champs (the 10th anniversary for example and increasing access to small amounts of titan shards outside of dupes), but the chase champs have never been easier to obtain if you're willing to spend on them. The divide between Guy who spends hundreds of dollars on crystals to obtain a champ versus guy who is free to play has always been huge, but Kabam is now offering a middle ground for people who are willing to spend $30 on a pass or an Odin for a key that is much more obtainable.
I think the fact that it's much easier to justify spending in the game versus being purely free to play is what is at the root of the recent anger over monetization. Furthermore, people who missed the Deathless champs being frustrated that obtaining them no is astronomically expensive is quite understandable. I want this game to continue for a long time and understand that the new normal for monetization seems aimed at dolphins rather than true whales. It's just that wave after wave of spend on this to awaken this champ AND to acquire this champ AND to hit this milestone in a realm event is getting to be too much. It's a lot to ask of the community's patience to spend more frequently especially when the game has numerous bugs even if the spend is way less in amount (note, not frequency) than it used to be.
I think part of the reason why people are so upset these days are that while the Deathless champs had a skill ceiling to obtain and awaken the ask to obtain and awaken Eidol champs is astronomical in comparison. The way to get a champ for the various Deathless were all obtainable by a medium to high skill player dealing with relatively challenging content and engaging with obtainable goals (complete a path in Necropolis, hit one of six challenges, etc). Furthermore, awakening pretty much every Deathless champ was the same, beat a fight in Season of Pain with the champ. While these were time limited there was no cash demand on the player base.
Contrast that with Eidol champs. Isophyne was free to all accounts with even a moderate amount of progression, but to awaken her naturally you either needed to spend money on banquet crystals or had an insane amount of units saved for gifting crystals. This is a drastic change from the Deathless pieces that were in sight of all free to play players. The next Eidol champ (Lumatrix) again was told we would need to spend to acquire and awaken him unless at the very top of battlegrounds and war (which typically top tier players have to also spend). While hard limits were not placed on how much one would need to spend to get him ($10? $100? $400?) unless a top tier player, we were told that we would need to spend something.
I think the calculus on champ acquiescence has changed quite a bit. The number of champs who are unable to be acquired without paying for them has grown. While some are obtainable by free to play methods (Saga champs for example) a good portion of them are locked behind passes and Kabam has figured most players would determine it'll generate them more revenue to spend say $30 on a pass and have a crystal to hunt the champ than just having the .5% chance to acquire the champ from crystals. I personally don't mind this, but I can see how people are getting fed up with pay to win. Technically when you could only get a champ from crystals, that was still a pay to win scenario, it's just that by lowering the bar the pay amount is way lower to acquire someone like Dazzler than it would from hunting through crystals.
I feel like the latest live stream, changes to the Titan crystals and number of champs that have very limited options to obtain via free to play methods is understandably frustrating. I think Kabam has been relatively generous over the past few months with giving top tier players seven star champs (the 10th anniversary for example and increasing access to small amounts of titan shards outside of dupes), but the chase champs have never been easier to obtain if you're willing to spend on them. The divide between Guy who spends hundreds of dollars on crystals to obtain a champ versus guy who is free to play has always been huge, but Kabam is now offering a middle ground for people who are willing to spend $30 on a pass or an Odin for a key that is much more obtainable.
I think the fact that it's much easier to justify spending in the game versus being purely free to play is what is at the root of the recent anger over monetization. Furthermore, people who missed the Deathless champs being frustrated that obtaining them no is astronomically expensive is quite understandable. I want this game to continue for a long time and understand that the new normal for monetization seems aimed at dolphins rather than true whales. It's just that wave after wave of spend on this to awaken this champ AND to acquire this champ AND to hit this milestone in a realm event is getting to be too much. It's a lot to ask of the community's patience to spend more frequently especially when the game has numerous bugs even if the spend is way less in amount (note, not frequency) than it used to be.
If anything, number of champs that can be acquired without spending has reduced. Before, the only way of obtaining the top variant of a new champ was this either Arena, or crystals(which is a lot of money).
Now with the chase, and Deathless, I am able to obtain the top star variant of champs without having to spend a dime. No matter how you look at it, it is better now.
I'm seriously confused at those who say champ acquisition is harder now or paywalled. It is so much better than before.
This is a quote from the post. This is objectively false.
You can even purchase specific 7*s now. And the cost of 9.5k is feasible for a f2p. Just last month, we got a free 7* Valentines champ. When has that ever happened
Have you seen Isophyne in any crystal?
From my understanding of the commission structure with Disney/Marvel, they get a cut of the revenue for Marvel related IP like champions sold including crystals
Introducing Eidols is meant to keep the entire revenue for themselves, Kabam won't have to pay a single cent to Marvel for every Eidol they sell, meaning Kabam won't be putting Eidols in a crystal with other Marvel champions
An exclusive Eidols selector is possible for sale
Worst part of Eidols, is that Will be Bad champs being p2w lol
More like MidLoL champs,
get it? 😆
I think Kabam has been giving out more freebies as of late and I think that's good. I also think that the truly broken champs remain pay champs which widens the gap between free to play and paying players. I don't even necessarily think that's a really terrible thing. It's just that I can understand the frustration of players who don't pay versus even the occasional buy a pass here and there spenders.
I don't really remember getting a free 6* when 6*s were the top. Let alone 10 free in 10 days with the newest release included, another calanders with free 7*s, Top meta champs as acquirable with quests and all sorts of things.
How is this any different from literally any other new character?
Incursions. RNG (5-6 crystals a year) (massive grind throughout the year)
Loyalty, RNG (4 crystals a year) war grind
Omega days -inaccessible
Cmm, NC, Sinister- inaccessible dupes.
Banquet gifted guardians 23 - just got added to basic. Good luck pulling those from basic.
Banquet 24 glorious guardians - inaccessible
I personally don't care about champion selling business. They can sell whatever they want.
It's the ones in the limited pools I want and are "inaccessible" with no timelines for YEARS.
Shocker diablo medusa sentinel dpx OS angela void QS Black Cat NC mojo Mordo htd Moleman longshot hb +
The commission structure is like a percentage of the revenue and probably a fixed sum every year
Why did Disney Mirrorverse closed down, the game probably din bring in enough money to pay the fixed sum every year
Why would Kabam create Eidols like Isophyne which is original IP when there are so many Marvel characters that can be used?
It's always about money, Marvel can't get a single cent from Eidol sales bcos it isn't Marvel IP
Cos it's illogical for Kabam to create something original only to be fully owned by Marvel
Why would anyone make the effort to do such a thing?
Why is Kabam keeping Isophyne away from the rest of the Marvel champions?