
Story Time:
I had 7 20% revs, 2 40% rev, and 400 units left today after my 5th run, so I thought I'd lock in and get the final path done with that remaining stash. My confidence was pretty high after getting Ares done in like 4 revives and soloing most of the path. Cue my final path: the dreaded mutant/mystic Cassie path.
My team options were pretty good: 7*r2 Domino for Cassie, 7* r3 Juggs for Ares/Toad/Prowler, and 6* r5a Onslaught for the rest. (Initially, I had 7* r2 Dazzler for Cassie, but I found Dom just worked better for me).
1st fight Cassie: Oml I hated this fight, there's a billion things to keep track of (power sting, her sp1 combo, evade, miss, power drain, and crush) and the AI was being bratty with her sp1 (e.g. she woke up with an sp1 immediately after my sp3 knocked her down, yeah very fun). It's the first fight so my goal was to go through with the path only if I manage solo her. 2 hour worth of tries later... I gave up on that lmao. I just couldn't keep track of everything and I always messed up at around 50%. Got her down with 2 revives (both l2).
2nd fight Gwenpool: soloed her with Onslaught, but I lost half of my health because I messed up a bit before getting the hang of the fight.
3rd fight Iron Fist: Spoiler, this is the final fight in my the story xD. I went in with Onslaught, chipped him down a few percent, then died to the block dmg. I only have 20% revs left at this point, so I chuck a few more and this is when I realize that maybe this run isn't meant to be lol. So I quit. 😐
Yeah, those 20% revs didn't cut it with the amount of chip dmg I was taking in that fight. Didn't have any potions and I'm sure as hell not going to use units on them. Plus, I still had 5 more fights left
including Ares. So I cut my losses, we go again, maybe 2 weeks later when I've farmed enough. Till then epoch stays 95% explored...

(I'm so close to the r4 gem... this hurts)
That exit forced me to finally r3 my unduped 7* Onslaught (my sweet catalysts rip 😭).
current mood:
I had 7 20% revs, 2 40% rev, and 400 units left today after my 5th run, so I thought I'd lock in and get the final path done with that remaining stash. My confidence was pretty high after getting Ares done in like 4 revives and soloing most of the path. Cue my final path: the dreaded mutant/mystic Cassie path.
My team options were pretty good: 7*r2 Domino for Cassie, 7* r3 Juggs for Ares/Toad/Prowler, and 6* r5a Onslaught for the rest. (Initially, I had 7* r2 Dazzler for Cassie, but I found Dom just worked better for me).
1st fight Cassie: Oml I hated this fight, there's a billion things to keep track of (power sting, her sp1 combo, evade, miss, power drain, and crush) and the AI was being bratty with her sp1 (e.g. she woke up with an sp1 immediately after my sp3 knocked her down, yeah very fun). It's the first fight so my goal was to go through with the path only if I manage solo her. 2 hour worth of tries later... I gave up on that lmao. I just couldn't keep track of everything and I always messed up at around 50%. Got her down with 2 revives (both l2).
2nd fight Gwenpool: soloed her with Onslaught, but I lost half of my health because I messed up a bit before getting the hang of the fight.
3rd fight Iron Fist: Spoiler, this is the final fight in my the story xD. I went in with Onslaught, chipped him down a few percent, then died to the block dmg. I only have 20% revs left at this point, so I chuck a few more and this is when I realize that maybe this run isn't meant to be lol. So I quit. 😐
Yeah, those 20% revs didn't cut it with the amount of chip dmg I was taking in that fight. Didn't have any potions and I'm sure as hell not going to use units on them. Plus, I still had 5 more fights left
including Ares. So I cut my losses, we go again, maybe 2 weeks later when I've farmed enough. Till then epoch stays 95% explored...

(I'm so close to the r4 gem... this hurts)
That exit forced me to finally r3 my unduped 7* Onslaught (my sweet catalysts rip 😭).
current mood:

I need to prepare 3k units to enter final path, maybe 2 weeks later...
I did Annihilus with Dazzler so I only dealt dmg with my sp2 (sp1 to build charges then sp2 to do dmg). Cost me like 5-10 revs on him alone because I died before even dealing dmg on some tries. But that's with me also not playing the best so it could be done in less for sure. Good luck
For me the bad fight was Gwenpool - just couldn’t get the timing down. All the rest of the fights were a revive or three. (maybe 4 on Heimdall?) Juggs trampled Toad, Heimdall, and Prowler. The Prowler fight in particular was easier than I thought it would be - was probably the one I was most dreading given the nodes.
Good luck!
I wish everyone luck.
Aarkus on nebula is just dexing and blocking for the most part (parrying nullifies his buffs, so avoid that). Try to get to an sp3 on Aarkus, then the dmg just deals itself (avoid sp2s as it locks armor break debuffs into armor shattered stopping debuffs from building up).