What are we trying so hard for?

Everyone wants new toys but there no requirement.
How can the game team allow 7* champions be released let alone r4 7* being the new toy without increasing the difficulty and changing the game design. I have multiple t4a waiting and 2 r3 gems s there’s no need to use them. A science awakening gem that would be pointless to use on who I have. I r4d a Crossbones and barely use him.
You can complete everything that isn’t gated with 6*
And everything else with 7* r1 or r2.
Dozens and dozens of r3 champions just sitting there. Doing nothing.
They get used on AW and BGs but for what? Barely any justifiable reward. BGs offers tokens which offers more r3s. And 90% of the rewards can be obtained with 6*
AW the same. 90% obtained with the Kitty Pryde and Dr Doom I ranked up 5 years ago.
The more I play the more i realise what the nerds have been saying for years. It’s just a card collection game.
It’s all just a bit pointless
How can the game team allow 7* champions be released let alone r4 7* being the new toy without increasing the difficulty and changing the game design. I have multiple t4a waiting and 2 r3 gems s there’s no need to use them. A science awakening gem that would be pointless to use on who I have. I r4d a Crossbones and barely use him.
You can complete everything that isn’t gated with 6*
And everything else with 7* r1 or r2.
Dozens and dozens of r3 champions just sitting there. Doing nothing.
They get used on AW and BGs but for what? Barely any justifiable reward. BGs offers tokens which offers more r3s. And 90% of the rewards can be obtained with 6*
AW the same. 90% obtained with the Kitty Pryde and Dr Doom I ranked up 5 years ago.
The more I play the more i realise what the nerds have been saying for years. It’s just a card collection game.
It’s all just a bit pointless
They’re useless sitting there doing nothing.
You could be finishing fights faster/easier and/or be getting a lot more points if you arena and want free units.
It's not about the destination, dude. It's about...
- The journey
- The friends we make asking the way
- What we discover about ourselves
- Discovering new things and new ideas
- *Sh*ts and giggles
- Just killing time... and sometimes people...
- That little thrill you get from Titania's victory pose*
* Or maybe someone else - Storm? Hercules? You do you...If nothing else, we know that the Grandmaster's Gauntlet will make a return with a beefed-up difficulty and a new 7* gate. I wouldn't be surprised if the new act drops next month, and I wouldn't be surprised if we start getting some kind of Season of Pain-type content in the month after that (or at least get a roadmap for it).