Who’s Next?

DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 544 ★★★
edited March 6 in General Discussion
I’ve already got 10 x 6* Rank5 Ascended champs, but I’m itching to add another to the squad. Before I burn through catalysts and primordial dust, I need your input!

As far as I know, the champs below aren’t available as 7* yet, but if I’m wrong, let me know please! And if anyone has info about which of these will be added as 7* soon, drop the knowledge too please.

(All of them are awakened.)

Who’s Next? 50 votes

Absorbing Man
Talha305RajaRevan0607Aleorcaptain_rogersTheUglyone123HassamaMamaBen_15455Adri5846Gr8TonyStarkManbatnBigurlshroomsGabriel_207BogosoopernanHulk808WEAPON_HrsmsdOnepieceisnotrealGrimmreaper101 19 votes
phillgreenSbkruebDaywalkerXWolf911willrun4adonutNemesis_17Super_Cretu90MaynardJ4193 8 votes
Black Widow (Claire Voyant)
DahMastah 1 vote
Cyclops (Blue Team)
rcm2017JackTheSnack 2 votes
Human Torch
buffajrArnavTony886Valkyrie1994KablThe_0wenpus 6 votes
Jessica Jones
LBN1 1 vote
Magneto (Red)
bhuv9191 1 vote
smdam38HendrossAshuvinuTheSaithRiptideRealWizard13579rebel_Joneenyoshield311Darthbane3141kvirrIronwarrior 12 votes


  • TheUglyone123TheUglyone123 Member Posts: 310 ★★★
    edited March 6
    Absorbing Man
    You can’t go too wrong with any of these. Abs man is great but requires some skill to play effectively, and I use him constantly as a middle of the road valiant. I think this choice is 100% roster dependent. What class are you lacking in? And do you need a BGs champ, defender, etc?

    Also, cyclops blue team will be a 7 star in May with the platinum pass, so you might want to hold off on ranking the 6 star
  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Yo @TheUglyone123 B) Thanks for the reply. I'm also a "a middle of the road valiant." I'm not a huge fan of Abs Man's play-style. Great champion though. Love him as BG defender!

    Here's an image of my top champs in my roster. Top row are my 7* Rank3 and Rank2. Bottom row are my 6* Rank5.

    I'm leaning towards Galan or Torch as my next 6* R5 ascended, but would love to hear your thoughts.

  • Adri5846Adri5846 Member Posts: 154
    Absorbing Man
    I suggest Abs man but you should ascend too Human Torch, AA and Red Mags.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,345 ★★★★★
    All very useful for questing. Except Cyclops.
  • TheUglyone123TheUglyone123 Member Posts: 310 ★★★
    Absorbing Man

    Yo @TheUglyone123 B) Thanks for the reply. I'm also a "a middle of the road valiant." I'm not a huge fan of Abs Man's play-style. Great champion though. Love him as BG defender!

    Here's an image of my top champs in my roster. Top row are my 7* Rank3 and Rank2. Bottom row are my 6* Rank5.

    I'm leaning towards Galan or Torch as my next 6* R5 ascended, but would love to hear your thoughts.

    If you don’t like abs man, then torch or Galan are great champs to ascend. You already have a fair bit of great ascensions. The fun vote I would say is Jessica jones. I have her as a six star ascended, use her for questing and BGs defense. She’s fun to play and gets some holds on D.

    Honestly, my input is to pick your favorite, and the one you’ll play the most 🙌🏼

  • MaynardJ4193MaynardJ4193 Member Posts: 46
    AA, because he can take on so many random champs and nodes. Abs man is great, but most of what he does can be done with other champs. AA trivializes lots of weird fights still, and even if he does get a 7*, it would take a lot for most to get him awakened and high enough sig to be better.
  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    edited March 7

    AA, because he can take on so many random champs and nodes. Abs man is great, but most of what he does can be done with other champs. AA trivializes lots of weird fights still, and even if he does get a 7*, it would take a lot for most to get him awakened and high enough sig to be better.

    This is actually a good call. My 6* AA is at sig 158, so just a few more sig stones to go to get to 200.

  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,576 ★★★★★
    AA and Torch is who I would go with.
    They're unlikely to become 7* anytime soon.
    Galan is also great, but I can see him becoming a 7* before those 2.
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Scorpion is to op to be a 7 star
    Abs man is more likely
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,709 ★★★★★
    We don't know how good Cyclops will be
    My pick is Abs Man since the higher the sig the better. 7* Abs Man would be welcoming but he wouldn't have that same regen.
  • SG2468SG2468 Member Posts: 88
    only pick absorbing man if u can intercept , even then AA would be better choice
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,872 ★★★★
    AA doesn’t really need it.
    If he’s hitting those neuros, then it’s done at either rank.
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