Open up paragon gauntlet for valiants

Since the valiant beta opens in may (2 event quests from now) and its a beta so itll be gone after and we'll probably get yet another 2-3 normal event quests, can we at least open up paragon gauntlet for valiants. I have 0 desire to do TB eq for mid rewards and boring repetitive nodes as every other month just to open gauntlet for not even that insane rewards but its still something if its open. I just see no point in it being locked
Kabam will miss the mark. Current EQ is way too long and rewards are bad (Gauntlet does not compensate for it) New EQ will probably be a copy paste of current map and underwhelming rewards.
We have a better chance of exploring Epoch of Pain 3 stars. (Which will probably be someone’s grand idea of a carina challenge in a few months because “hey, you can’t complain - look at all the Everest content there is! And… and… game theory!”)