CVS Gift Card

This is kind of funny imo, just saw that you can use CVS gift cards to make purchases on the MCOC webstore.
I actually have a $50 CVS giftcard from I don't even know when and I don't plan on using it.
Should I buy the Jean Gray bundle? It's only a 0.20% chance to get a 7 star, but I'll get six cracks at it!

I actually have a $50 CVS giftcard from I don't even know when and I don't plan on using it.
Should I buy the Jean Gray bundle? It's only a 0.20% chance to get a 7 star, but I'll get six cracks at it!

Same outcome, more or less.
Joking aside I find it extremely weird that a transaction processing site will take 3rd party gift cards.
It's not like I can use the gift card anywhere else, or at least, do I really want to be the guy standing on the sidewalk saying, "Hey, do you want a great deal on a CVS gift card??"
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If you achieve it, then you will receive it.
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Actually, it did dawn on me, gift card or not, I just spent $50 on a character in a mobile game, and it took the heavens showering me with grace to even get that.
Instead of celebrating, I should be looking hard in the mirror.
But that seems kind of painful, and someone in another thread mentioned that the Bastion webstore tracker is coming soon. Wonder if Xsolla will accept a Hooters groupon....
You can trade it in for somewhere else. Or just mcoc it.
Retail theft in San Fran? Nooo.
$50 to get the 7*.
$600 to get the dupe.
That's how they really get you. Sunk cost trap.