Ok.. y'all picking on my boy Rulk, but what about this guy?

Another severely underrated War Attacker.. Goatablo
Go ahead.. let's get started - "let the hate flow through you"
Go ahead.. let's get started - "let the hate flow through you"

Goatablo here is able to melt away his opponents while Rulk can't even land a decent crit.
OG Abom is better than Rulk on both offense (with synergies) and defense (if attacker is not poison immune).
Massive heals, massive poison, constant nullify, respectable burst damage and that's it but that's enough.
and i wish i had this drunkard head. he so underrated and those poison and his nullify is so good
He does need an update, but not nearly as much as green did
And yeah Diablo is crazy crazy underrated.. the amount of different matches he can do is insane and I don't think most people know how many matches he can do.. like not just do, but do them with a yellow bar
Add in the KP/RS synergy to completely expand his reach for both defenders and nodes
1. Rank up the god tier and the popular one
2. Rank up the god tier and the popular one but don't know how to use the champs
3. Rank up the underrated champs
4. Rank up the unthinkable, example R4 War Machine (anyone rank 4 WM?)
Rank up anyone you want, as long as you happy about it. It is your choice buddy
What am I missing? I have a 7 star Rulk as well and I have tested him.
Gonna make me have to dig up footage of him destroying everything listed above lol
So, to be completely honest it's also a nostalgia/tradition thing.. I started using him in War Attack actual years ago.. just searched my channel (I'm not a YouTuber - I just record for fun/reference and to share footage of characters I like, etc.) and found my 2nd most viewed video was a war from season 31 (3 years ago) featuring our red friend.. this was when 6r3 was the highest power level - anyway, it's always been a tradition I take Red Hulk to the highest available power level when it comes out (it was kind of a meme in my old alliance - they even made Red Hulk emojis..
But! I don't still use him in war attack for nostalgic reasons.. he still wins fights for me - consistently, whenever the map calls for it.. is he a go-to attacker I use all the time? No, but he's on the rotation for sure
He needs Recoil to be good - if you don't play with Recoil, you won't like him
My AW workhorses are actually Warlock and Diablo.. they handle a really really wide range of matches for me - Rulk is not as broad of a range, but when it's a "Rulk fight" he crushes it
For the Disagree lol
A lot of the fights I use him for either don't allow or punish debuffs
It would be great to have a ramp mechanism for Heat charges on basics/blocking, or some other kind of gameplay mechanic.
A bit of Heat charge utility could be something like reducing the opponent's ability accuracy, block proficiency or passive power gain. The opponent could be immune to those effects with Incinerate immunity, for balance.
Also, personally, I'd switch round the Incinerate/Regeneration between SP2/SP3, and boost each according to Heat charges.
Diablo is very good.
I also believe some champs you need to actually rank them up to see what's what, I think DGuilly is a classic example: Her bread and butter is short-medium fights (like war attack) and yes, I believe she absolutely needs Recoil.. think about how her Souls work.. she creates a snowball effect of damage - comes out swinging.. does massive damage, which increases her Souls.. and leads to more damage.. with Recoils on, she's top 5 DPS in the game in short/medium matches ( I have footage of an 8 second war fight.. as we know I am happy to post footage/shots of anything I say:) but that what she is designed for imo.. short intense fights where she quickly wipes out the defender - benefits highly from Recoil and a high rank
The second, is that he is not a "workhorse" champion (a champ who is known for taking a really wide variety of matches across the spectrum) while there are lots of mystic and energy champs in the game (he does well against both) ..he's a little more of a specialist - but the matches he does well in, he does really well
His bread and butter is: Mystics, Energy champs.. for the best of both worlds, use him against a physical Mystic.. as he gets both the offensive advantage and defensive there (Mystic will ramp his charges - giving both damage and also Physical Resistance) and any fight that attempts to debuff him with Poison or Incinerate..
Where to use him: ideally, meeting the above criteria but also where you want a science champ who can control their debuffs and choose not to apply them.. and/or where red numbers will help push through damage mitigation kits and nodes.. random example: Manthing, he is tanky, Rulk cuts through it while ramping from both the Poison and the fact that he is a Mystic.. Rintrah, cuts through him, Wiccan... it's embarrassing for Wiccan, truly.. he folds in actual seconds
But! before you start listing dozens of other Science counters.. first place these defenders on a node set that either doesn't allow or punishes debuffs - now view the fight again (aw node 10, Debuff Immune Knockdown, etc. etc.)
- use him with Recoil
- use him for what he does best
Using him in the correct matchup means you do not need to throw any sp1 unless you need to give the defender power or of it will end the match.. save for sp3, it does an additional 180% damage (red number) on top of the sp3 damage at full ramp and places a nice incinerate as well
"He's not an OP science champ you use for every fight.. choose his fights correctly, and he will perform very well for you in the matches he is made for"
My main use for him is AW attack.. and he's not a workhorse, he's more of an assassin - bring him on the team if/when I see matches he thrives in.. and he crushes them.. like actually embarrassing for the defender type wins usually