Give me a genuine explanation why raid chests should be RNG

I get that there should be some sort of rng as is with everything. Like sure you can either get a t7b pull or a t4a pull. But what i dont get is that even if two players get the same pull (eg. T4a) one of them gets a full one and the other gets 25%.
It makes no sense in my mind, PLEASE change my mind cause this might be my last raids with how my rng has been, that a person with 60m points gets 10 valiant crystals and backup strolls after the team and gets a titan crystal..
Im open to conversation i want a constructive genuine reason how this is fair to the alliance members paying the same entry price
It makes no sense in my mind, PLEASE change my mind cause this might be my last raids with how my rng has been, that a person with 60m points gets 10 valiant crystals and backup strolls after the team and gets a titan crystal..
Im open to conversation i want a constructive genuine reason how this is fair to the alliance members paying the same entry price
Somebody could argue that in a long run rng averages out, but it's clearly not the case with raids, as you only get to do them once per month. Don't worry about it too much, the rewards will be more or less outdated in couple of months
I would love to get an explanation from Kabam why they thought it would be good idea to make these rewards RNG
Let’s look at other game modes
story content / other end game content
there is RNG aspect with crystals, catalysts, awakening gem crystals and rank up gem crystals which is the class of the obtained material
but everyone who completes and explores gets the same amount of resources
alliance wars
every alliance that wins gets the same rewards as any other alliance that won ( in the same tier ) same rewards for losing alliances - no RNG on the rewards itself
regular alliance quests
every alliance that explores same AQ map gets the same glory rewards - no RNG involved
the rewards for getting the same amount of medals are same for any player
if one is pushing higher in GC they get higher rewards - again no RNG in the rewards
so why in RAIDS which is supposed to be ENDGAME content there is this RNG aspect involved?
Just make these rewards chests into selectors
for example make the first chest be a selector between
4 t6b
1 full t6cc
simple as that everyone can CHOOSE what they want.
Same investment but DISCRIMINATING rewards.
I am not saying I agree with it, it's actually the opposite. However at this point, we can't really expect anything from them. (Aside from sales and bugs of course).
but my guess is so they don't have to fix a reward for each summoner no matter the level they are at
That is slimy at best.
In this analogy the example would be trying to entice you to play raids more for a chance at the jackpot, but I think we can all see it’s only had the opposite effect.
The reason why gambling has that addictive quality is because of perception. People perceive random rewards to be better. A slot machine could hand you 95 cents back for every dollar you spend, but no one would ever play it. A slot machine that hands you back nothing 19 times and then 19 dollars on the twentieth spin is returning the same 95 cents to the dollar, but people will line up to play it for the chance to get 19 dollars back on a one dollar spin. The perceived return is far higher than the actual return.
Even games that you buy for a fixed price and come in a box you take home, with zero monetization and zero chance to make any more money from you ever again use this perception to elevate the perceived value of the rewards you earn in the game. Video game rewards only have the value players perceive them to have, so perception is everything.
In games with economic balance concerns, leveraging this perception is even more valuable. Every reward you add to the game creates progression and dilution concerns. RNG rewards provide the most perceived return per unit of material reward added to the game. That doesn't mean all rewards should be completely random, but it is the primary motivation for game designers to use RNG rewards in games like this. This can take dark turns in games that over leverage or over monetize certain kinds of RNG rewards. RNG is not all good. But there is a huge upside to them that has nothing directly to do with gambling, or addiction, or greed. Even in games where gambling is impossible, addiction is impossible, and monetization is impossible, game designers still use RNG for its perceptual upsides. It is simply a very powerful reward design tool.
Dungeons and Dragons had random lootboxes in 1974 when people were playing that game with pencils and graph paper. The motivation for using random lootboxes in game design predates monetized video games by almost half a century.
I am *not* arguing that the Raid rewards are balanced or fair. Nor am I even arguing that the path rewards *should* be random. I'm simply saying the reason why they are random by default is unlikely to be nefarious. It isn't that the designers need to come up with a reason to make them random, it is usually the reverse. There has to be a compelling reason why they shouldn't be random that overrides all of the benefits of them being random, and the general "random isn't fair" is not sufficiently compelling. If it were, that would equally apply to all rewards. This game has clearly decided that "random isn't fair" is not a strong enough reason to remove randomness from rewards.
Random Customer- Sir, please take my money.
C- Sir, roll a dice to see if you win a bottle of Cognac or a glass of coke. **Wins tap water.
Thank you for for choosing us, it was a pleasure serving you.
I agree that it isnt nefarious, but dont you think players being so sick of the chests being rng should at least provide them with a hint that maybe we shouldn do this? Why isnt that the compelling reason they need? they moved away from the AW crystal because people were getting such different rewards for the same effort, only to bring it back for raids
They can keep the rng whatever, but the discrepancy is insane. 10 valiant crystals vs a titan crystal. 10 valiant crystals vs a t4a. People are already burnt out from nightmare raids on day 1 cause it just didnt seem worth any of the effort we put into it since backup can get an ultron and another player gets 10 5*s. That should at least give them a reason to rethink it, not make it even worse with this new "rewards update"
Nobody thinks McDonalds food is healthy or high quality. But they buy tons of it. McDonalds makes what people will pay for, not what they will congratulate them for. McDonalds actually attempted to make their menu more healthy in the 90s. It was a commercial disaster. People *said* they wanted healthy options, and then didn't buy them. Because the people who said they wanted healthy options were not going to McDonalds to get it.
Again, this is not a specific statement about Raid chests themselves. This is about the general principle that the raid chests aren't special until someone proves they are. And saying people complain about it is like saying water is wet. More players complain about champion crystal randomness than complain about raid chests by several orders of magnitude.
Volume doesn't matter. Signal matters. And when the playerbase complains about everything all of the time, the signal to noise ratio is very low. But the response to this tends to be just complain louder.
We both paid 180 tickets
We both did 3 fights and a boss
We both dealt with the same bugs cant forget that part
I should not get a titan crystal when you're getting 10 valiant crystals. Same with war, aq, eq, bgs, ordeal, epoch, necro, whatever content u look at nothing is as rng based and is as unfair as playing raids
Idc if people complain about everything, when they tell us the feedback is being "passed on to the team" when we first ever complained during the initial raids, im getting no reason to believe they actually are. If anything in nightmare raids the discrepancy is even higher
the only places we see RNG rewards in the game are usually with event crystals spending or not, i.e. banquet, gifting and also champion crystals.
so if then we have to defend to having fixed rewards for a fairly fixed game mode with regular cadence, why shouldn't all the content in the game also have rng rewards, let the lowest difficulty eq have a chance to give a titan.
I personally just don't see how they can justify lootboxes for the effort it takes to complete it
And the same defenders in forums will speak up to defend RNG as something good
People lie to themselves so they don't get the rewards they deserve for doing difficult content
But I won't
I go to a 5* hotel with a booking reservation for the room that I want, not a random room that the hotel staff pick by spinning a wheel
Congrats you hit the Presidential suite but that's not how it works in real life hotel industry
Plz tell y is this even part of nightmare RNG? After defeating that apoc?
What is wrong with u guys?
Honestly guys. Plz do better before u waste a great game. This is unacceptable.
What is 6* shards doing in nightmare raids? Oh right it's a game from Kabam
Rewards should be seen as a transaction for completing a quest or a game mode and it should have the same value for all players because we are accomplishing the same things. That is fairness.
The gambling aspect of earned rewards should be focused on what we obtain from those rewards with set values while playing the crystal oppening mini games: Random champions from Titan crystals, random champs from Basic crystals, random class rank up gems, random class awakening gems or random class sig stones, etc.
Casinos don't base their randomness on giving customers random value for their money, randomness takes place while playing the slot machines.