Recruitment Page

About us:
alliance name is He's In our alliance tag is HesIn. Predominately in the united states east and west coast however we are on all day and night long. Our focus is AQ over AW.
What we are looking for:
Need player(s) with prestige over 4500. You must be able to maintain your own lines in map5. Our prestige starts at 4800 and ends at 8000 by day 5 so you will need strong enough players to survive. Every day map5 3 bgs and we complete 3bgs all the time. We tend to land around the 1400 area for rank rewards. Also line is required. You will be assigned a group which will be your AW & AQ group.
AQ: We run map5 x5 3BGs.
AW: We run 3 BGs unless leadership decides to do 2 bgs
SA: Always reached
Item Use: 250 4* shards always reached
Completion : 250 4* shards always reached
Duels not required but recommended,
Donations = 133K Gold, 35k BC, 12.5k Loyalty
Methods of contact:
Request to join we will evaluate your profile, private message in game any officer, or find me on line. ID Mangas50
Thanks for looking
alliance name is He's In our alliance tag is HesIn. Predominately in the united states east and west coast however we are on all day and night long. Our focus is AQ over AW.
What we are looking for:
Need player(s) with prestige over 4500. You must be able to maintain your own lines in map5. Our prestige starts at 4800 and ends at 8000 by day 5 so you will need strong enough players to survive. Every day map5 3 bgs and we complete 3bgs all the time. We tend to land around the 1400 area for rank rewards. Also line is required. You will be assigned a group which will be your AW & AQ group.
AQ: We run map5 x5 3BGs.
AW: We run 3 BGs unless leadership decides to do 2 bgs
SA: Always reached
Item Use: 250 4* shards always reached
Completion : 250 4* shards always reached
Duels not required but recommended,
Donations = 133K Gold, 35k BC, 12.5k Loyalty
Methods of contact:
Request to join we will evaluate your profile, private message in game any officer, or find me on line. ID Mangas50
Thanks for looking
At least uncollected status
Prestige over 5k
Can hold their own line in map5 and map6
Message me on line Mangas50 = line ID