Electro/Goblin synergy

supermanMKZsupermanMKZ Member Posts: 194
Can someone explain how this works for electro to me? I can't find anywhere in his description that says he applies a shock from any attack. Opponents receive a shock when striking but it's not an actual shock debuff so how does he ever get the +30% boost?



  • WhatRYouWhatRYou Member Posts: 443 ★★
    Electro's special attacks can shock your opponents! no?!
    Im going by memory, I don't use Electro at all!
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    He gets the attack boost while HE is under shock debuffs.
  • Etaki_LirakoiEtaki_Lirakoi Member Posts: 480 ★★
    He gets the attack boost while HE is under shock debuffs.
    I think you are correct, and that this Synergy for Electro is incredible dumb.
  • edited December 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    It's Kabam's way of trolling the players. Electro should really be immune to shock, but they put in a synergy to give him a "buff" while shocked. Kinda like how they made GG the boss of the science quest in 5.3.6. It's a game, really, to see how Kabam is going to troll the player base.
  • supermanMKZsupermanMKZ Member Posts: 194
    So I need to let myself get "shocked"?! Stupidest thing ever...
  • Batty_NumppoBatty_Numppo Member Posts: 288 ★★★
    Yeah, it’s stuff like this that makes me wonder if Kabam actually plays this game - even though they insist a lot of their employees do.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Never noticed that before....that is a really dumb synergy
  • supermanMKZsupermanMKZ Member Posts: 194
    To get this bonus it's confirmed that you need to let yourself get shocked from a special attack, since no champ inflicts shock from a basic attack, of a very limited amount of champs who actually inflict shock in order to get boost. SMH!
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    If Electro is shocked by his opponent then Electro gets that boost.
  • supermanMKZsupermanMKZ Member Posts: 194
    Yes, if electro gets shocked he gets the boost. Which makes zero sense since he should be immune to shock.
  • supermanMKZsupermanMKZ Member Posts: 194
    The more I think about this the more it irritates me. In this case either A) the synergy needs to be fixed or B) the character needs fixed. The idea that a guy made from electricity can be "shocked" is dumb tbh. Guys with no blood or who have blood but their bodies turn to metal or ice can't bleed but a guy who is electricity can be shocked? Really?! So here are my suggestions on fixing one, the other or both...

    1. Change the synergy to +30% increased damage taken when contact made with electro.
    2. Change electro so he either inflicts "shock" on specials in addition to current ability set OR allow him to inflict shock from a heavy attack in the same way archangel inflicts bleed or Hyperion inflicts fury.
    3. Shock doesn't have to deal direct damage, it could be stacked to increase duration can simply be a debuff and used by.....
    4. Have static shock activate when awakened in the way iceman uses cold snap but instead of dealing direct damage it can just increase crit rate and damage while active and be refreshed from specials.
    5. Under #'s 2,3 and 4 the synergy would then be changed to when opponent is under shock electro receives +30% attack.

    Just my thoughts
  • supermanMKZsupermanMKZ Member Posts: 194
    B ) not sunglasses guy, lol*
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    The more I think about this the more it irritates me. In this case either A) the synergy needs to be fixed or B) the character needs fixed. The idea that a guy made from electricity can be "shocked" is dumb tbh. Guys with no blood or who have blood but their bodies turn to metal or ice can't bleed but a guy who is electricity can be shocked? Really?! So here are my suggestions on fixing one, the other or both...

    1. Change the synergy to +30% increased damage taken when contact made with electro.
    2. Change electro so he either inflicts "shock" on specials in addition to current ability set OR allow him to inflict shock from a heavy attack in the same way archangel inflicts bleed or Hyperion inflicts fury.
    3. Shock doesn't have to deal direct damage, it could be stacked to increase duration can simply be a debuff and used by.....
    4. Have static shock activate when awakened in the way iceman uses cold snap but instead of dealing direct damage it can just increase crit rate and damage while active and be refreshed from specials.
    5. Under #'s 2,3 and 4 the synergy would then be changed to when opponent is under shock electro receives +30% attack.

    Just my thoughts

    so in addition to the already 38% (r4 4* electro) electroshock damage taken when hitting electro he should have an additional 30% added to that (68% since its additive)
  • supermanMKZsupermanMKZ Member Posts: 194
    It doesn't need to be 30% but the synergy needs to be something other than having to take special attack damage from a very limited group of champs that actually inflict shock for it to work. It was just different ideas on how it could be reworked.
  • supermanMKZsupermanMKZ Member Posts: 194
    And even if 30% if would only still come from a very specific synergy that requires the use of goblin in any group with him. Honestly how would that really be any different than the excessive damage you take from limbo or coldsnap when you don't even need to make or take contact to lose health.
  • supermanMKZsupermanMKZ Member Posts: 194
    Will the team at least look into this synergy? If not it is totally beyond useless!
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