New science champs drop rates

I'm posting this preemptively. Considering the fact kabam has released only 1 science champ in the past 21 months, I'd hope the drop rates for the upcoming science champs being released would be "more favorable". I'm sure 90% of the community has science awakening gems, t4c, and rank gems fully stocked, waiting for you guys to finally release some new science champs. While I don't expect you guys to come out and say the drop rates will be better, I hope you take the long wait and my suggestion into consideration and let the players finally use all these resources we've earned but haven't been able to use. Thanks in advance.
I have t4c, 4 and 5 star science awakening gems. So hopefully i'll get 1 of the next 3 science champs. with a bit of luck there may actually be some high-ish prestage science champs too!
I just completed act 5 and got ... another science awakening gem. Sentry had better be good!