Ultron Boss in 5.4.6 needs immediate fix

His evade is bugged and this needs an immediate fix as it is going to kill a lot of people because of it. He only does a half evade and then strikes immediately. I did this last week with absolutely no issues with his evade as I know how to fight him. His evade bug does not allow for you to get out of striking range.
Given that this is already a difficult boss, we don’t need a game breaking bug like this on him. There is video evidence of this bug floating around.
Given that this is already a difficult boss, we don’t need a game breaking bug like this on him. There is video evidence of this bug floating around.
Apparently there is this evade bug where he can immediately intercept you when you try attacking him right after he throws a special attack and he evades. Personally, I have never tried intercepting him after a special because I was aware of the bug and instead, tried to get his evade thrown off while he is blocking or when he dashes at me, so I didn't encounter this bug. Already explored Act 5.
That being said, a bug is still a bug, hope they look into it asap.
This has nothing to do with being difficult like someone mentioning. It has to do with a game mechanic which has a massive bug that results in deaths which aren’t warranted.
And what happens when they "fix" him?
What about all us who smashed him as he is? We gonna get anything for doing it? Nope.
It can be done, so nothing needs to be fixed