Magik Limbo Flat Value or %? Scales with attack boosts?

mutamattmutamatt Member, Content Creators Posts: 232 Content Creator
I just fought a Tier 1 Mini Boss in AW, 5* R4 Magik, Sig 28. Loading the "abilities" from the pre-fight menu, shows Limbo at 430 Energy Damage per second, but in the fight i am taking 3x that damage.

This is an issue in every high tier war, Magik defenders are everywhere and very tough to beat. They make for expensive wars at every level.

I know that the point of the flat value system was to ensure that things that should not scale with boosts do not, hence why limbo damage is not listed as % but rather a "flat-value".

Is this a display issue? is scaling limbo based on attack considered "working as intended"? I just want to ask the obvious question that i haven't seen an answer to.


  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309
    Easiest way to find out is to duel the boss. Usually bosses (r4 5*s) deal about 450 limbo dmg. GP and DV are good counters though, but I guess ( if you are the real mutamatt) Psylocke can be good as well
  • spumingtonspumington Member Posts: 350 ★★
    It's working as intended. When they made the 12.0 changes, attack values in AW were not impacted. Only regen was nerfed to a flat value. Since Limbo is based on Magik's attack, it's scaling properly.

    The explanation is somewhere on the old forums. I'd give you a link, but it's difficult to search for anything over there since they moved it.
  • mutamattmutamatt Member, Content Creators Posts: 232 Content Creator
    edited June 2017
    spumington wrote: »
    It's working as intended. When they made the 12.0 changes, attack values in AW were not impacted. Only regen was nerfed to a flat value. Since Limbo is based on Magik's attack, it's scaling properly.

    The explanation is somewhere on the old forums. I'd give you a link, but it's difficult to search for anything over there since they moved it.

    interesting, ill look for it.

    I honestly just want to see someone from kabam post that when they re-designed Magiks sig, and then designed the nodes for AW, that they foresaw 1200 per tick unavoidable damage, and they are ok with it.

    dont get me wrong i know this comes across as salty, i put my 5/50 magik on defense as well, 5/5 md, so i know out there is someone is cursing me too.

    I just dont think this part of the game is fun, and im not sure its working as intended in this case.
  • spumingtonspumington Member Posts: 350 ★★
    You and me both, man. I hate unavoidable damage, and it's out of control in AW. Considering the investment that a lot of players have made into specific champions and masteries, I think it's too late for them to change it. If they did, there would be hell to pay from the guys in tier 1 and 2.

    I'm scrolling through the old forums too. I'll post a link if I find it.
  • spumingtonspumington Member Posts: 350 ★★
    Ugh. The old forums are useless now. It took me way longer to find this than it should have, and it's not even what I was looking for, lol. Here's a quick explanation from Miike:

    Still looking for the original announcement that explains it.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    I posted something similar a month or two ago in old forum and was told "flat values" didn't extend to attacks buffs or Limbo in this case. I didn't get a mod to comment either, but I think it's pretty poor the way it functions now.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    The value listed is a flat value from her base attack. Damage abilities scale with attack modifiers, it was never said to change.

    The only thing (TMK) that doesn't benefit from modifiers is regeneration abilities.
  • mutamattmutamatt Member, Content Creators Posts: 232 Content Creator
    @spumington thanks, i found it there

    As i figured the community is SOL. It doesn't change the fact that this is horrid game design.

    @Kabam Miike if you want to login on my account and fight Magik in Tier 1 AW, let me know. That way you can experience it for yourself, and take some real feedback to the game team.

    I want to know how laying out 40+ hits 3x, and not taking a single hit, and having a R4 5* Magik slaughter my team, is in any way a test of skill.
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    mutamatt wrote: »
    spumington wrote: »
    It's working as intended. When they made the 12.0 changes, attack values in AW were not impacted. Only regen was nerfed to a flat value. Since Limbo is based on Magik's attack, it's scaling properly.

    The explanation is somewhere on the old forums. I'd give you a link, but it's difficult to search for anything over there since they moved it.

    interesting, ill look for it.

    I honestly just want to see someone from kabam post that when they re-designed Magiks sig, and then designed the nodes for AW, that they foresaw 1200 per tick unavoidable damage, and they are ok with it.

    dont get me wrong i know this comes across as salty, i put my 5/50 magik on defense as well, 5/5 md, so i know out there is someone is cursing me too.

    I just dont think this part of the game is fun, and im not sure its working as intended in this case.

    It isn't fun, and this is intended. They said the solution was to use champs with high energy resistance like Mordo (good luck getting any decent damage without MD-fueling Fury stacks), or Jane Foster (good luck with her useless heavy attack), or a power controller (another Magik, Psylocke, either Vision) Heal blockers will stop her (now able to be overcome regen). But it isn't fun to fight her at all and she is everywhere it seems like.

    All of this passive damage in general is not fun and why I try to avoid AW in general when I can. It isn't fun in any mode of the game where attack is scaled up. There's no valid reason to lose so much health just because you started a fight or the opponent got an inevitable amount of power. This game is supposed to have some basic form of rhythm and one should not just die for playing that way.

    AW keeps getting modified to try to make it more enjoyable and they are getting closer but now they introduced so many passive power generators and so many champs who get free damage for nothing, that it is lacking in the fun factor department.

    I don't think MD needs to be rethought outside of it's interaction with dexterity (can be worked around if lucky), but other class masteries do need a serious reworking. AW in general needs a more extensive reworking also.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Here is why this will never change.

    How many deaths and items would a rank 4 duped 5* magik boss cause in tier 1. Take that and sprinkle in another 8 to 10 magik on the map and what they do. Now times that by 3 bg, and then by every war happening in higher tiers.

    To adjust this would be to give up a huge revenue stream.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    In all honesty, Magik boss is a free kill. I'm overjoyed to see any Magik because I know that's an easy 100% sweep for us. Coming from top 25 in wars, Magik is "figured out." Rest of the alliances will pick up soon who to bring vs her and how to solo her.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    In all honesty, Magik boss is a free kill. I'm overjoyed to see any Magik because I know that's an easy 100% sweep for us. Coming from top 25 in wars, Magik is "figured out." Rest of the alliances will pick up soon who to bring vs her and how to solo her.

    Uhm, what?
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    To the OP, my alliance just finished a war. The main boss in our BG was a rank 4, 5* duped Magik. We (I) eventually beat her but not before we had to use a bunch of revives and potions. Once, my Vision died in the corner blocking, Magik across the screen, her having not even landed a single attack, blocked or otherwise. Yes, the unavoidable damage is incredibly annoying and mind boggling. As Mcord said though, this is a revenue stream for Kabam. Good luck getting it averted.
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Here is why this will never change.

    How many deaths and items would a rank 4 duped 5* magik boss cause in tier 1. Take that and sprinkle in another 8 to 10 magik on the map and what they do. Now times that by 3 bg, and then by every war happening in higher tiers.

    To adjust this would be to give up a huge revenue stream.

    You think people are gonna keep spending on a format like this indefinitely? That isn't overly optimistic, is it?
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