Ironically everyone else is complaining they keep getting 5* science awaking gems and all I have is a tech. The only tech 5* I own is IP who sucks ( though I like his synergies). Keep waiting to dupe Majik. Or draw a good tech.
Ironically everyone else is complaining they keep getting 5* science awaking gems and all I have is a tech. The only tech 5* I own is IP who sucks ( though I like his synergies). Keep waiting to dupe Majik. Or draw a good tech.
If you draw Stark Spider-man or SL then you are set. Keep strong. It could happen.
I like her, but I do not think unduped she would be worth rank 4.
If that is the case then you could always rank him down and hope for a lucky pull once the January 5* additions are made.
If you draw Stark Spider-man or SL then you are set. Keep strong. It could happen.