5* pull odds

Is it my impression, or the first champs of the 5* crystal have higher % pull than these great new ones getting added every month?
Seriouslly its getting annoyng, i got 90% of those starting ****, and ive only got 1(voodoo) of those who were added later
Is it just me or is there a patern here?
Cause these new champs are much better and back in the day they were only available on the 15k featured, so kabam makes their pull % lower than the old scum?
Seriouslly its getting annoyng, i got 90% of those starting ****, and ive only got 1(voodoo) of those who were added later
Is it just me or is there a patern here?
Cause these new champs are much better and back in the day they were only available on the 15k featured, so kabam makes their pull % lower than the old scum?
Here all my 5*s
Hulk lvl 40
Yellowjacket lvl 20
IronPatriot lvl 60
Gambit lvl 20
Magneto lvl 20
Storm lvl 20