Fantastic Four

Ok, so Disney is buying Fox. This means that there is officially no character affiliated with the Fantastic Four that cannot be put into the game. Even though X-Men was owned by Fox and they still got put in the game but whatever, regardless, now there is no excuse. Put them in the game!
they will suck big time, the fantastic four lolololol, the most stupid team ever
Says the person that has KK as their avatar.
-Yes I do know that, but it had been mentioned before on here to me that the only reason Kabam hasn't done the Fantastic Four was because of the Fox rights, that's why I said that
_You're only saying that because of the horrible Fox movies
"the orange one" - It's The Thing
"The one on fire" -It's Human Torch
"invisible girl" -Close, but it's actually Invisible Woman, she's an adult.
So, you really don't know them I guess. Mister Fantastic, A.K.A. Reed Richards is a husband and a father, so he should have those moral dilemmas to deal with. Invisible Woman, A.K.A. Susan Storm, is a wife, sister, and mother that has a husband that doesn't usually spend much time outside the lab, so yeah, she should be upset. Human Torch, A.K.A. Johnny Storm, is an irresponsible playboy, that's what is so great about him, and what makes him a friend of Spider-Man. The Thing, A.K.A. Ben Grimm, is a rock monster that has to get used to his new physical features and yes, he does have a hot girlfriend, but she doesn't want to be with him anymore because of his new form. And don't even get me started on Doctor Doom.