Which Mutant Champ should I use T4CC for 4* R5?

comero_hemiccomero_hemic Member Posts: 6
edited December 2017 in Strategy and Tips
I like Rogue for being able to power control (SP2) as well as regen (SP1). I just got Iceman recently and like it for it's damage output and limited damage on SP3 with ice armor. I want R5 champ for finishing up Act 4 and trying Act 5. My other top champs as the team are... 4* 5/50 Hyperion (unduped), 4* 4/40 Yondu (unduped), 4* 4/40 Magik (unduped), 4* 4/40 Elektra (unduped), 4* 4/40 Captain America WWII (unduped). So far, I am leaning toward Rogue since I am used to with it but since everyone rated Iceman as top tier, I want to know what others think. I assume that unduped Woverine is not that good but I included in the poll just in case I miss something. Thanks.

Which Mutant Champ should I use T4CC for 4* R5? 16 votes

Duped Rogue
Humble_Gr8NessGAM3RGUYMenkentxananabananaRasilover 5 votes
Unduped Woverine
Mike8mn123dudeNexus_UY_Scuti 2 votes
Unduped Iceman
MattyloTheLazyKingFireballs5adqqedfyvrcaligarelinquoTreyboneAlpha07Elitehuntergauravtheslayer 9 votes


  • MattyloMattylo Member Posts: 234
    edited December 2017
    Unduped Iceman
    Iceman is better overall in my opinion. Only character that has triple immunity and he doesnt need to be duped to be effective. Rogue isnt an awful choice but magiks s2 is better when you need power control. Rogues heal is hit or miss since for a good heal she needs to crit and cant even be compaired to the regen of a wolverine when hes duped.

    She is r5 worthy just not over iceman.
  • caligarelinquocaligarelinquo Member Posts: 218
    Unduped Iceman
    Great poll, if you're overall goal right now is to finish Act 4, each one of these champs can help you do it. The great thing is neither one of them have to be R5 to do it. But if you must have a R5, I would personally choose Iceman. The immunities and ability to take an SP3 is phenomenal. You really can't go wrong here. It's a great choice to have.
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    Similar to OP I have similar dilemma to deal with. I have r4 rogue (duped), r4 Wolverine (duped) and r4 iceman (unduped). Totally confused whom to r5 first. All 4 stars. This is really a difficult choice I'm facing.
  • GAM3RGUYGAM3RGUY Member Posts: 203
    Duped Rogue
    For act 5 rogue is ur best bet
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