Which Mutant Champ should I use T4CC for 4* R5?

I like Rogue for being able to power control (SP2) as well as regen (SP1). I just got Iceman recently and like it for it's damage output and limited damage on SP3 with ice armor. I want R5 champ for finishing up Act 4 and trying Act 5. My other top champs as the team are... 4* 5/50 Hyperion (unduped), 4* 4/40 Yondu (unduped), 4* 4/40 Magik (unduped), 4* 4/40 Elektra (unduped), 4* 4/40 Captain America WWII (unduped). So far, I am leaning toward Rogue since I am used to with it but since everyone rated Iceman as top tier, I want to know what others think. I assume that unduped Woverine is not that good but I included in the poll just in case I miss something. Thanks.
Which Mutant Champ should I use T4CC for 4* R5? 16 votes
She is r5 worthy just not over iceman.