Booted from alliance and lost points that unlock reward I need.
I was in an alliance and was booted after already gifting enough stuff to almost unlock the t4 class cat. But was booted right before getting it. Seems a bit crazy to lock me out of being able to clam rewards from the new alliance I joined while also not giving me the rewards that my gifting allowed my old alliance to reach after I left. I realize this doesn't happen to everyone but for anyone that was booted during the holiday it's sucks pretty bad.
There should be no wait period if you were with your last alliance for a certain period of time - say maybe 30 days - if you voluntarily leave. And definitely NO wait period if you were kicked imo.
First of all, the OP isn’t complaining about a wait period but about the personal minimum needed to claim a reward.
Secondly, it wasn’t the top alliances that complained. At least not only. It was mostly the intermediate players wanting to jump up and become a top player constantly being locked out of the rewards because end game players constantly jumped to a whole different alliance and got a t4c in multiple brackets that way. It had nothing to do with controling individual players, it was because of alliances as a whole being greedy and abusing the system that was in place.