it appears Kabam instituted an AW matchmaking change a month or 2 back, without notifying the community. Whereas, matchmaking used to only go off of War Rating ... it now is War Rating + either Alliance Prestige or Alliance PI ... so you can drop down in AW rating, but still always be matched against tough opponents ... also resulting in longer and longer matchmaking times.
it appears Kabam instituted an AW matchmaking change a month or 2 back, without notifying the community. Whereas, matchmaking used to only go off of War Rating ... it now is War Rating + either Alliance Prestige or Alliance PI ... so you can drop down in AW rating, but still always be matched against tough opponents ... also resulting in longer and longer matchmaking times.
Now we can face the same team multiple times in the same AW session? Kabam, please tell us what's going on with AW matchmaking
It's possible if they're Matchmaking at the same times as you. If they're in range of your War Rating, they can get Matched more than once with you. I suspect you both started Matchmaking right after the War ended. Correct?
it appears Kabam instituted an AW matchmaking change a month or 2 back, without notifying the community. Whereas, matchmaking used to only go off of War Rating ... it now is War Rating + either Alliance Prestige or Alliance PI ... so you can drop down in AW rating, but still always be matched against tough opponents ... also resulting in longer and longer matchmaking times.
I have opened multiple threads and posted all over the AW master thread and have received 0 response from anybody confirming this but my alliance is 100% in agreement. Everything you mentioned is exactly what we have encountered. We believe it is being calc'd based on war rating and prestige as this seems to be the ONLY thing we have in common with the alliances we face (More so, the prestige. War ratings are all over the place). Our matchmaking search will take an absurd amount of time as well, just to inevitably end up matching us with the same pool of high ranked alliances.
I'm not going to try to say everyone is wearing tin foil hats, but one simple explanation to explain the prestige/pi correlation is the alliances who kept winning when defender rating counted for a lot. It seemed to readjust where alliances were ranked.
The somewhat recent un-announced AW Matchmaking change (used to just match based on War Rating, now appears to match on War Rating + Prestige), continues to result in ridiculously long matchmaking times .... where it almost never would take 30 mins, 1 hour max .... it now takes AT LEAST an hour to 90-120 minutes to find a match.
Can we get an acknowledgement regarding this change to AW matchmaking and the negative consequences of it?
it appears Kabam instituted an AW matchmaking change a month or 2 back, without notifying the community. Whereas, matchmaking used to only go off of War Rating ... it now is War Rating + either Alliance Prestige or Alliance PI ... so you can drop down in AW rating, but still always be matched against tough opponents ... also resulting in longer and longer matchmaking times.
This is just conspiracy.
So, even though the matchmaking times are now dramatically increased and we're seeing prestige correlations in nearly all our matches, you contend it's conspiracy? Why? It's pretty obvious to anyone without kabam nuts covering their eyes that war matchmaking has changed and prestige is now a factor.
it appears Kabam instituted an AW matchmaking change a month or 2 back, without notifying the community. Whereas, matchmaking used to only go off of War Rating ... it now is War Rating + either Alliance Prestige or Alliance PI ... so you can drop down in AW rating, but still always be matched against tough opponents ... also resulting in longer and longer matchmaking times.
This is just conspiracy.
So, even though the matchmaking times are now dramatically increased and we're seeing prestige correlations in nearly all our matches, you contend it's conspiracy? Why? It's pretty obvious to anyone without kabam nuts covering their eyes that war matchmaking has changed and prestige is now a factor.
Hahahaha. If kabam confirms it he will be saying this is how the game is designed to be played and the metrics blah blah blah blah blah.
it appears Kabam instituted an AW matchmaking change a month or 2 back, without notifying the community. Whereas, matchmaking used to only go off of War Rating ... it now is War Rating + either Alliance Prestige or Alliance PI ... so you can drop down in AW rating, but still always be matched against tough opponents ... also resulting in longer and longer matchmaking times.
This is just conspiracy.
So, even though the matchmaking times are now dramatically increased and we're seeing prestige correlations in nearly all our matches, you contend it's conspiracy? Why? It's pretty obvious to anyone without kabam nuts covering their eyes that war matchmaking has changed and prestige is now a factor.
Are you sure about that, or is it the result of Rating playing a part in the system? We just had a series of iterations that affected the Tiers Allies were in based on Wins and Losses which were in part affected by Rating. Not Prestige, although indirectly. There have been no changes listed to Matchmaking. If it wasn't listed, it never happened.
So my alliance lost out on matching the 3rd war of this session last night, since the first 2 matches took 1.5-2.5 hours to find a match, then the final one did not find a match after a little over an hour.
Kabam, please return the AW matchmaking to just based off of War Rating ... this is getting ridiculous ... and you still have not announced or even acknowledged the awful change to the AW matchmaking algorithm.
it appears Kabam instituted an AW matchmaking change a month or 2 back, without notifying the community. Whereas, matchmaking used to only go off of War Rating ... it now is War Rating + either Alliance Prestige or Alliance PI ... so you can drop down in AW rating, but still always be matched against tough opponents ... also resulting in longer and longer matchmaking times.
This is just conspiracy.
So, even though the matchmaking times are now dramatically increased and we're seeing prestige correlations in nearly all our matches, you contend it's conspiracy? Why? It's pretty obvious to anyone without kabam nuts covering their eyes that war matchmaking has changed and prestige is now a factor.
Are you sure about that, or is it the result of Rating playing a part in the system? We just had a series of iterations that affected the Tiers Allies were in based on Wins and Losses which were in part affected by Rating. Not Prestige, although indirectly. There have been no changes listed to Matchmaking. If it wasn't listed, it never happened.
I get that no one likes to be matched against an alliance that is way stronger, but it is completely unfair to use anything outside of War Rating to do matchups. Why should a lower level alliance get easier matchups and higher shards than a higher ranked alliance. If you want to make tiers, make tiers. But we're all in one tier, and as long as that is the case, War Rating should be the only factor for determining matchups.
As it is today, it's like if your the Minnesota Vikings, you war match against only the NE Patriots and the Pittsburgh Steelers and no one else. It isn't a fair way to determine who is best.
This is just conspiracy.
I have opened multiple threads and posted all over the AW master thread and have received 0 response from anybody confirming this but my alliance is 100% in agreement. Everything you mentioned is exactly what we have encountered. We believe it is being calc'd based on war rating and prestige as this seems to be the ONLY thing we have in common with the alliances we face (More so, the prestige. War ratings are all over the place). Our matchmaking search will take an absurd amount of time as well, just to inevitably end up matching us with the same pool of high ranked alliances.
Can we get an acknowledgement regarding this change to AW matchmaking and the negative consequences of it?
So, even though the matchmaking times are now dramatically increased and we're seeing prestige correlations in nearly all our matches, you contend it's conspiracy? Why? It's pretty obvious to anyone without kabam nuts covering their eyes that war matchmaking has changed and prestige is now a factor.
Hahahaha. If kabam confirms it he will be saying this is how the game is designed to be played and the metrics blah blah blah blah blah.
Are you sure about that, or is it the result of Rating playing a part in the system? We just had a series of iterations that affected the Tiers Allies were in based on Wins and Losses which were in part affected by Rating. Not Prestige, although indirectly. There have been no changes listed to Matchmaking. If it wasn't listed, it never happened.
Kabam, please return the AW matchmaking to just based off of War Rating ... this is getting ridiculous ... and you still have not announced or even acknowledged the awful change to the AW matchmaking algorithm.
Hahaha. Right.
As it is today, it's like if your the Minnesota Vikings, you war match against only the NE Patriots and the Pittsburgh Steelers and no one else. It isn't a fair way to determine who is best.