Use of 4* in new harder content without lots of pots/ units

As new harder content is released, specifically act 5.2 and above n chapter 3 of uncollected and uncollected exploration, does using 4* (maxed) any viable. I know it can be done but lots of pots with good skill is required.
Use of 4* in new harder content without lots of pots/ units 45 votes
4* are phasing out with harder content
8 votes
Skill improvement is required for harder content
15 votes
Only specific champs will be viable
18 votes
spend $$$
4 votes
4* rank 5 can easily explore all of act 5. More skill, diversifying your roster (especially for 5.3) and be prepared for anything.
I agree, but decent 5* at R4 is a different story.