Recruiting Members for a Growing Alliance!

My in-game tag is xakhll, and I am the leader of Squatchin', a growing alliance looking for new, active members.

We have 13 members, and an 860,000 rating. We tend to stay relaxed and focus on events such as duels, completion, and node removal. We complete AQ when it comes around. Currently, we complete Maps 1 and 2 but are looking to move up to Maps 3 and 4 if membership and rating increase. The primary goal, however, is to enjoy the game to its full extent, rather than spend time stressing over winning events. We all have lives outside the game but would still like to enjoy it.

So if you're active and looking for a place to grow, or simply just need a break from the requirements that other alliances put you up to, then come check out Squatchin'! Our alliance tag is SQWCH, and our alliance name is just what it looks like above. You can also friend me, xakhll, and find out more. Come check us out!
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