R5 my 4* SL or rank up my 5*?

Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
edited June 2017 in General Discussion
So I finally have the T4 tech catalysts I need to take my 4* SL to rank 5, but should I save them in the hope of awakening my 5*?

R5 my 4* SL or rank up my 5*? 32 votes

Rank up awakened 4* Star-Lord
CrusherOfDreamsShadTheManAlfa_PigeonRaganatorAEG93CapWW2Fireballs5cymuller25TheManMythLegendJaded_solidsnakerozerosMattExotigamusRandom_NoobOsteotomeFilmScorpionSlasherx44Prabu10 19 votes
Rank up unawakened 5* Star-Lord
FlazinatorJosq1DarkestDestroyerSlySlyHeartlessSighsohardINTEGRALLukedwonlnVision_41SpiritLeoleviJay_mcocLobej 13 votes


  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Neither unless you need 4* sl to do LOL in the next couple weeks
  • Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
    Nah I'm a couple of months off doing a LoL run
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  • Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
    Very good point actually, didn't think about that, haven't bothered exploring 5.1 yet so I will do one run through it and see if it's doable for me right now
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Tough. I was lucky to have both duped and used a rank down ticket on my 4* and used the cats on my 5*.

    You may never dupe him though
  • Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
    That's what I'm concerned about, and as the 5* pool of champs in the basic crystal grows those chances of duping him diminish
  • Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
    Appreciate all the comments guys, it's certainly something I need to think about haha
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I would rank up ultron or vision over both sl
  • Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
    I'm personally not a huge fan of ultron, he's decent but I never play him, and similarly I never use vision either so would feel like I was wasting the cats on them
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    They two of the best immunity champs in the game. Ultron has a reliable regen. Vision can power drain. They are the 2 best 4* techs in my opinion for aq and aw
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    I would rank up ultron or vision over both sl

    Not a chance in hell. Maybe an argument can be made for the 4* but the 5* vs those pillow handed techs, your crazy.

    Just took out 21k hood in front of Dormanu with over 80k health with a 35hit combo. Not doing that with either of them.
  • Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
    I can understand those choices if immunity to both is necessary, but I have better options in my opinion in Hyperion and GR for being poison or bleed immune, so for me I want to get the best tools for my eventual LoL run
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    But to be honest i would rank ultron or vision before my 4* starlord at this point because i jave the 5*
  • Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
    I know what will happen, if I choose 4* then my next crystal I'm guaranteed to dupe the 5*, if I go with the 5* to begin with I will never dupe him, that's the way this thing usually goes isn't it haha
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    How far are you from your next 5*

    I have learned to hold unless you need another strong champ to compete
  • Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
    I'm sat on roughly 1500 5* shards, so a fair way
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  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Rank up awakened 4* Star-Lord
    R5 your 4* SL. He's very useful in the game.

    Ultron and vision are only good in aq and aw. Well vision has a little more potential use in other parts of the game because of the power steal. But overall your 4* r5 sl could destroy alot more end game material then both ultron and vision combined.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    An unduped rank 4 5* sl is useless until he's duped. I would use t4cc elsewhere until he gets duped
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Read that post backwards haha. I use my 4* 4/40 to clear endgame content. He just does a little less damage. I'm only taking mine to 5/50 for LOL otherwise he would never see 5/50
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  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Rank up awakened 4* Star-Lord
    His awakened ability is the only reason he's any good. Until you can dupe him as a 5*, which could take a long time, go with the duped 4*.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,415 Guardian
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    I would rank up ultron or vision over both sl

    Not a chance in hell. Maybe an argument can be made for the 4* but the 5* vs those pillow handed techs, your crazy.

    Just took out 21k hood in front of Dormanu with over 80k health with a 35hit combo. Not doing that with either of them.

    Star Lord might be faster, but Vision is safer. Hood is nothing special if he has no power. Vision AoU can keep Hood from getting to special 2. I now use OG Vision and Hood doesn't even get to use special 1. At that point, Hood is a target dummy.

    Nothing against Star Lord but I'm willing to wait and see if I get especially lucky and pull a 5* SL; I decided to upgrade OG Vision to 5/50 over 4* Star Lord (currently at 4/40) precisely because OG Vision is an AQ/AW monster in a way Star Lord wouldn't be for me (I upgraded Vision AoU to 5/50 before I ever had a 4* SL to compete).
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,415 Guardian
    Mcord11758 wrote: »
    How far are you from your next 5*

    I have learned to hold unless you need another strong champ to compete

    This is probably the best advice. When it comes to higher tier resources which are not easy to get, I only spend them on champs I'm going to use right now. If I'm going to use them tomorrow, I wait (exaggeration: when I decide I want to start using a champ for a specific purpose, I try to wait for double rank-up events to be running if I can).
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Rank up unawakened 5* Star-Lord
    Wait to dupe 5*
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    Wait to dupe 5*

    How long do you think it's worth waiting? Cause it could easily take a year or two or never
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