War MVP calculation is majorly flawed

Ran 2 groups in war. I completely ran an entire line without dying, finished off a mini-boss that had ko'd a teammate AND solo'd the boss by myself. Out of 20 participants did I come in the top 3? Nope. Top 5? Nope. Top 10? Not even!
I came in 12th lol. Yeah, sure 11 guys did better than me.
I came in 12th lol. Yeah, sure 11 guys did better than me.
I have zero control over defense and where my champs get placed. Don't know why that would matter. That makes no sense.
It's total bs that the leaders can just put themselves on those tiles and then do mediocre in attack phase and they will get MVP.
Clearly it doesn't mean that much. I killed an entire line, part of a mini-boss and the entire boss. And came in 12th out of 20!! Did I mention that lol