Yondu vs Doc Ock

Are any of them worth 4/40? Both are unduped
I also have Nebula but don't really like to use her especially having to hold down block all the time.
I also have Nebula but don't really like to use her especially having to hold down block all the time.
I'm not sure on how he works. But the other day while doing a sandbag in arena, my 1/10 Doc Ock took down a 5* 4/55 Hyperion just because he kept him powerlocked almost the entire fight. @Captain_Amazing
i have yondu @ 4/40 n use him alot. yeah i read the description bout selling the armor part. but how does it work mate??
Thanks for the info and will check out some vids on YouTube. @Captain_Amazing
No he isn’t. If you don’t have the champ don’t give advice on stuff like that. If you have the champ and think that, you’re using him wrong.