Spider-Man Evade Impossible [More Info Needed]

Was something changed with Spider-Man? He seems to be evading way more that statistically possible now. How does a 4 star Spider-Man evade 2 or 3 times per combo against a R4 five star Gwenpool in AW on a measly +health/attack/Bleed node? What is the max on his evade? Like 26%? So why does it seem more like 70%? Where’s my ability reduction for my sig ability and my challenger rating advantage for using a R4 against a 4 star? I noticed my Spider-Man got 6 kills on defense last War which never happens. Also, he seems to be back to being able to punch you in the face while evading again, which I thought you guys had “fixed.” So... what gives? Anyone else noticing this, or just me?
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
It would make sense if there was a small negative like a stacking armor break or weakness debuff for each evade. Or maybe a cool down timer? Something....