The most frustrated you've ever been in a story quest, or event quest?

I'm curious, can you guys remember a time where you were the most PO'd you've ever been with the game? For me it would have to be the hyperion boss in the Sentry event quest. Absolute BS right there... there was nothing you could do, but hope you could tank special 3 after special 3.
As for hyperion, if you have Iceman use him.
I honestly say aloud "Are you f*cking kidding me?" at least 2-3 times a day when playing it. Typically it's lag related where my champ ends up eating a combo or special because the controls froze.
Don't you love how the game lags soooo heavily when it comes to content that matters. Act 5, AQ, AW, Uncollected Diff., etc. ?
Not sure that’s actually a bug. One of his abilities is to reduce the chance of dexterity working by 30%, could be the reason that things are still hitting you. Not really a fan of that being an ability, but it seems rare enough to be ok. As for me, would probably be the spite in the Bautista challenge I think it was. At the time, I didn’t really have any decent power controllers so I just couldn’t get through the last part. Tried turning off dexterity and using champs that don’t have buffs but the block damage just wore me down. Wish I had my psylocke or dormammu back then, really wanted to finish it.
I would agree with you but I'm receiving the dexterity buff. When facing someone like Magneto and you're magnetized, you can still evade the projectile you just don't receive the dexterity buff.
This isn't the first time though this happened. Void is in line with a long list of times I've received the dexterity buff for evading properly but still take full damage. It's broken.
With that said, is that how is dexterity/evasion debuff works? It turns it off altogether or is it supposed to operate as a ability accuracy reduction? Being able to still evade but not receiving the dexterity buff.
Ability accuracy reduction has nothing to do with the ability to avoid all damage with the right dodge timing. It only reduces the chance that you get the precision buff from it. Voids ability is new and can actually prevent the dodge itself from working even with the right timing. If I remember right it’s a random chance of him getting that ability every 10 seconds and he then has a 30% chance to still hit you during a dex evade. Personally, I’ve never had an issue with dexterity popping up and still taking damage so can’t really say much about that. Hopefully that won’t keep happening for you because that could probably mess things up a lot.
Came back with my rogue and I’m pretty sure it still triggered an absurd amount of times but she’s basically stun immune so it was ok.
and oh boy.
When I lost my thousand hit combo just because of one, minor error I lost it. Like I could beat every other opponent besides than Wolvie (and Juggs) with ease but I had to literally reset to bring a new just to counter this guy and fail yet again. But on the bright side I beat ROL not long after haha.
Everything else is oale in comparison.
Truth has been spoken. That Juggs drove me batsh!t crazy. I saved up revives for a month after my first few unsuccessful attempts.
Hyperion is quite easy with Hawkeye, Magik, Modok or other power control champs. For me the worst boss in a month quest was Dormammu. He was almost impossible without Ronan back then, we weren't used to fight him and he also had a crazy power gain, Magik couldn't reach her sp2 before the power absorption so she was useless.
At the moment the worst fight of the game is Collector in act 5.2, there's not much you can do beside using items.
Pre-nerf Uncollected Ice Phoenix.
She was the most BS BS ever placed in the game. Collector is a close second.