How good is Medusa?

Rolled a 4* Medusa from PHC and left her at 1/10. How good is she?

I already have Angela (duped), Drax (duped) and Hyperion at 4/40.

I'm still holding on to my generic awakening gem (already got SL and Voodoo duped) and have enough to take one to 5/50. Who should be given priority?


  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    She’s my top champ. I’m not running Suicides and she’s a 4/40 4* Sig 31 and she still deals ridiculous amounts of damage. If you can awaken her you should. Level her up to 4/40, 5/50 if you can awaken her
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    4/40 is definitely not a problem. It's the T4CC that's hard to come by. @Bahamut
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    As much as I love Drax and Angela, I think it's between Medusa and Hyperion to 5/50. Out of the two, I think Medusa needs the awakened ability more, and even tho I don't have either I personally would go with Medusa because her animations are a lot more fluid and her play style is less complicated (don't need to spam heavies like Hype). But, since she's only r1 and it would cost a lot to r5 her, Hyperion would also be a good option
  • JDunk2291JDunk2291 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    Rolled a 4* Medusa from PHC and left her at 1/10. How good is she?

    I already have Angela (duped), Drax (duped) and Hyperion at 4/40.

    I'm still holding on to my generic awakening gem (already got SL and Voodoo duped) and have enough to take one to 5/50. Who should be given priority?

    U struck gold my friend...she should be top priorty.. High PI, She Hits Like a truck and and shes Poison Immune. God Tier (My Opinion) lol
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Hyperion is the best cosmic champ with medusa close behind, the problem with medusa is for her to match hyperions damage output she needs synergies from karnak and black bolt, without them her damage is still amazing just not at hyperions level.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Why am I getting flagged? Friggin trolls...
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    I have both Karnak and Black Bolt but hardly use them. @Sungj
  • SgtSlaughter78SgtSlaughter78 Member Posts: 464 ★★★
    I have her 5/50 sig 40, she is awesome. Insane damage output and armour break/shatter is great.

    I beat 5.4.6 Ultron with her, applied amour shatter and was able to play him like a normal champ, nice and easy (ish).
  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Sungj wrote: »
    Hyperion is the best cosmic champ with medusa close behind, the problem with medusa is for her to match hyperions damage output she needs synergies from karnak and black bolt, without them her damage is still amazing just not at hyperions level.

    Karnak synergy is not needed for higher damage
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    Not there yet! Just two more paths to Collector though. @SgtSlaughter78
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