are we gonna have 4 champs revamp each month?

The beta test for LC and RH last for 7 days I think, so I assume we will have another two this month (and the other 2 weeks to review feedback from community and make adjustment based on that)
What do you guys think?
and if so, which champs that need to be adjusted? and by which order?
my thought is (hopefully) Kabam should start buffing all champ that has very low damage output and need x2 or x3 hits to end an arena fight
(e.g. Carnage/Sentry/colossus/UC/Loki/Magneto)
What do you guys think?
and if so, which champs that need to be adjusted? and by which order?
my thought is (hopefully) Kabam should start buffing all champ that has very low damage output and need x2 or x3 hits to end an arena fight
(e.g. Carnage/Sentry/colossus/UC/Loki/Magneto)
You might think I'm mad and it would make him too op but it took me 161 hits and I had 1 second to spare against the first rhino mini boss in day 2 of AQ.
I can't take rhino in day 3 without timing out with wolverine because he doesn't hit hard enough.
Gwenpool can kill him much faster
Don't forget iron patriot
you realize you're asking them to cater around you right. he's a 4* that you're using on a harder map. 161 hits is a lot yeah, but that's using a champ that's not meant to handle that content. if a 1* wolverine can take down ROL's winter soldier, then I think wolverine is doing just fine the way he is.
Not to mention even if you time out Wolvie's regen is so strong you should be able to get him back to full health pretty easily. Wolvie doesn't need any adjusting and I love him.
Were you fighting defensively? It's taken me 250-300 hits with a 5/50 Rogue to take down Rhino in later days of AQ Map 5 (alliance prestige 6K+). Regardless, both Wolverine and Rogue can heal back to full health if they time out against Rhino, so timing out against AQ minibosses isn't something that forces players to use potions to heal those champions.
You just need deep wounds