[永恒星源] 光辉晨星 - 11mil Alliance seeking a fit into our family!

Hi guys/gals,
Eternal Realm of the Glorious Stars (abbreviated translation
) currently seeks 3 comrades!
Serious but not hardcore, relaxed but not slack - we seek a balance btw game and real-life commitments.
Basically we are a bunch of people enjoying one another's presence online and playing this wonderful game together!
International mix: USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Europe, Australia, Middle East, Mexico, Africa.. you get the picture!=)
AQ groupings based on continent=)
What we do:
-AQ focused, Maps 5-5-5-5-x
("x" is a variable, depending on what we seek on the last day, whether more points or simply a map2 alliance-revive crystal)
-AW: 2xBG but everyone who wants to play, will get to do so
- Donations mandatory: 110k Gold, 25k Battle, 10k Loyalty chips
1. Possesses "uncollected" title,
2. min 300k ratings or 8x4* R5s
3. Use Line app
If interested or any further queries pls feel free to find me in-game or on Line, both the same:
Jr8415 (I believe there may be a space in btw..)
Eternal Realm of the Glorious Stars (abbreviated translation

Serious but not hardcore, relaxed but not slack - we seek a balance btw game and real-life commitments.
Basically we are a bunch of people enjoying one another's presence online and playing this wonderful game together!
International mix: USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Europe, Australia, Middle East, Mexico, Africa.. you get the picture!=)
AQ groupings based on continent=)
What we do:
-AQ focused, Maps 5-5-5-5-x
("x" is a variable, depending on what we seek on the last day, whether more points or simply a map2 alliance-revive crystal)
-AW: 2xBG but everyone who wants to play, will get to do so
- Donations mandatory: 110k Gold, 25k Battle, 10k Loyalty chips
1. Possesses "uncollected" title,
2. min 300k ratings or 8x4* R5s
3. Use Line app
If interested or any further queries pls feel free to find me in-game or on Line, both the same:
Jr8415 (I believe there may be a space in btw..)
We are again on the look-out for potential comrades to join us, as a couple of brothers have retired from the game.. sad to see them go, but that's life!
At 29/30, we are 14.4mil as of 20th July 2018.
Updated approach to the game:
- AQ maps 5x5
BG1 for US-based folks,
BG3 for Asia-based,
BG2 a mix of Europe and others
- AW 2xBGs (sometimes 1xBG on the weekends)
- Events-wise, no requirement, just do your best.
- Donations mandatory: 110k Gold, 26k Battle, 11k Loyalty chips
- Must have/use Line app
- Strong roster (and skill) to clear own paths in AQ and AW to the final boss tile
very rough guide, like "uncollected", 300k rating min, enough 4*r5 or 5*r3or4 to run both AQ and AW (att/def) at same time
If interested or any further queries pls feel free to find me in-game or on Line, both the same:
See you soon,
Jr @sg
Looking for a couple of bros/sis, don't hesitate to contact me if u like what u see above!
Jr8415 (Line and ign)