Redo the useless champs that will be soon added to featured 5

As a guy that spent 500 euros to get the worst champ in the game aka Fiona or She Hulk or opened 4 featured x 15k shards to get the dung heap Collosus and the neutered IF i'm a tad worried that my next pulls will be Red Hulk and Khamala Khan.
So in the spirit of constructive thinking please do something to the champs most voted as worthless for example fury buffs or power drain on specials for She Hulk and Red Hulk double length fury buffs on Khamala stun on Colossus specials and increased damage. All suggestions from community would also help!
So in the spirit of constructive thinking please do something to the champs most voted as worthless for example fury buffs or power drain on specials for She Hulk and Red Hulk double length fury buffs on Khamala stun on Colossus specials and increased damage. All suggestions from community would also help!
Colossus should have his special damage increased if you want to make him more offensive (I think that's what he needs) or make his armor ups work in a different way. He could have two modes: offensive and defensive. Combat mode can be changed by how much health he has. Above 50% health, collosus is in his offensive mode, gaining a fury buff for every critical hit he delivers (fury buffs stack up to 5) and less effective armor ups when receiving a critical hit. Below 50%, he goes into defence mode, gaining armor ups for every blocked and regular hit he takes. Also, special attacks grant him physical and energy resistance. If the player wants to switch combat modes in any time during the fight, he can do it by activating the special 3.
I have more suggestions for characters coming soon, due to current lack of time and ideas.
I also agree about Hulkbuster. I mean, come on, didn't you see Avengers 2 and how AWESOME the Hulkbuster was? He should seriously be one of the BEST champions in the game. Look at all that armor! Plus he is just a Beast. Well, I mean, he SHOULD be a Beast.
When Thor, Storm or electro hits iron man with lightning it should give him either power gain or health gain.
I only have two 5*s IM and HB............this game hates me for sure.