Looking for ACTIVE & LOYAL Players to join us!!!

Active alliance looking for LOYAL & ACTIVE 90k+. Line REQ. We are looking to fill up 6 spots. We are looking for ppl want to grow & have fun. All we ask for is Communication, Participation, & Donations. We run map 53333 or 55333, we want to move up to a 5x5 alliance. We do War and AQ as much as it is going on. If you feel like we are for you, then feel free to get in touch with me.
Line; nvrcmecomin1
IGN; nvrcmecomin1

Line; nvrcmecomin1
IGN; nvrcmecomin1

Se quiserem participar nossa aliança está em aberto saibot crew
We need great players our requirements are, communication activities and donations.
If you want to join our Alliance is open saibot crew