
I just became uncollected and everything has been unlocked like the uncollected difficulty and the daily and hourly crystals but I still have the 7 day calendar and no 14 day calendar for grandmaster shards does that normally not appear right away or is something wrong
The grandmaster shards calendar is only 7 days which takes place over the phc shards.
Only 14 day calendar I've seen were for "special"/holiday calendar events which are only run on occasion. Currently there is no "special" event so we have the monthly and weekly only.
@WOK Are you uncollected? The uncollected daily calendar is a 14-day cycle. At the end of the 14 days you have enough shards for 1 gmc.
Am I correct to understand that after 7 days it is supposed to change into a 14 day calendar? If so, I've been screwed because I've gone through who knows how many 7day revolutions. I'm thinking this is something to take to the support team.
Hi , it’s ok you didn’t notice that there is a arrow which you can press to see the next day rewards.... the screen size will only show you seven but you can scroll using the three arrow just before your 7th day rewards and next to your 6th day rewards which is 300 shards . 😂
@Mrmarvel123 I apologize for giving you incorrect info. Evidently, I'm the only "SPECIAL" person that receives his very own 7 and 14 day calendar. Plus a cookie and shiny star sticker to put on my forehead.
When I make a mistake, I'm thankful and welcome anyone who's willing to correct me. If not, I'd keep making the same mistakes all the time.
BTW, I honestly never pay attn to a lot of stuff in the game, almost to a fault. I'm one of those people that still don't know the abilities of some of my most frequently used champs, tend to not read nodes and dive head 1st, see calendars as 7 days because there's 7 boxes....
I probably would have figured it out on my own eventually....maybe LOL
Have a good one folks!