6 star pool thoughts and wishes.

BUZZdog3000BUZZdog3000 Member Posts: 457 ★★
edited January 2018 in General Discussion
What are your thoughts on the 6 star base pool? Do you think it is good or bad? Personally I think it is good because the champs are decent in my opinion no horrible ones but it's not to op which I like.the best one imo is Angela. Am also thankful for no collosus. Also comment 1 champ that you wish was there. My champ that I wish was there is Old Man Logan because I think he would be good has a 6 star and regen a fair amount.

6 star pool thoughts and wishes. 11 votes

I like the 6 star pool. Champs are expected
BUZZdog3000Deadpool_42422112TheHoodedDormammu 3 votes
I dislike the 6 star pool. Champs are to bad
Jh_DezWinner12344321hydrogohardCyBorgDEADLYPANTS 5 votes
I dislike the 6 star pool. Champs to op.
Neutral, but thankful for no collosus.
SungjJohnyzero 2 votes
I was hoping that the game would be broken by having only God teir 6 stars.
abhi7215 1 vote
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