Map 6 changes needed in AQ

Map 6 is a challenge that many alliances would like to partake but will not for perhaps the worst reason possible: time
Harder content shouldn't require an insane time commitment for those willing to try it, and the way scoring is set up, if you don't 100% complete the map you are screwed for the remainder of the series due to initial loss of prestige. The difficulty should be enough. Having to have 30 people with jobs and lives having to set alarms throughout the day (and night) to move or they can't finish, is patently absurd for a video game...especially when we run this AQ 5 days a week for each series.
My proposal is thus: map 6 should have 30 minute timers. Leave it at an hour for the rest of the maps but stop making the time commitment the biggest reason most alliances refuse to try it.
Prestige and purchase power are already the deciding factors for ranking, making the time commitment on top of is a bit too much, and it wouldn't really impact rankings too much. This is a game after all, not a job...for most. Those that have the skill but can't live, eat, sleep and breathe mcoc should be free to try the harder content without having to give up their lives in exchange.
Harder content shouldn't require an insane time commitment for those willing to try it, and the way scoring is set up, if you don't 100% complete the map you are screwed for the remainder of the series due to initial loss of prestige. The difficulty should be enough. Having to have 30 people with jobs and lives having to set alarms throughout the day (and night) to move or they can't finish, is patently absurd for a video game...especially when we run this AQ 5 days a week for each series.
My proposal is thus: map 6 should have 30 minute timers. Leave it at an hour for the rest of the maps but stop making the time commitment the biggest reason most alliances refuse to try it.
Prestige and purchase power are already the deciding factors for ranking, making the time commitment on top of is a bit too much, and it wouldn't really impact rankings too much. This is a game after all, not a job...for most. Those that have the skill but can't live, eat, sleep and breathe mcoc should be free to try the harder content without having to give up their lives in exchange.
Next thing you know everyone is doing map 6 all week for the same rewards that they were getting for doing map 5. But then have to play arena way more because you aren't getting battlechips from AQ anymore.
If map 6 always had 30 minute timers it would destroy AQ.
IMO map cost/rewards has more influence on what map gets played more than the time to complete it does.
With competent path planning, map 6 can be finished with several hours to spare on hour timers.
I have a possible compromise: offer two tiers of difficulty/cost for map 6.
At a lower cost in resources you can run map 6 with 30 minute timers and a decreased payout/prestige bump, and then the regular map 6 we all know as well. There needs to be an intermediate level between the two to allow those that want to dip their toe in the water without nuking their entire AQ series, and possibly dropping a tier because they dared to challenge themselves. This compromise would allow people to see what they are in for, as there is a considerable difficulty bump compared to map 5.
The time commitment is a huge challenge for 30 people to be able to manage, recruiting is already pretty tough, and many that have already run map 6 don't want to anymore because the schedule was such a pain in the tuckus. There needs to be some sort of a gateway to the higher challenge. Map 5 is boring as it is for 8 mil alliances and 12 mil alike, but the jump to map 6 is so prohibitive for most wanting to attempt due to things like real life. Most alliances that run map 6 are super hardcore and rather niche compared to the majority...and the gulf between is getting wider and wider between those than can and those that can't, despite having the skill. This game should be able to offer the hardest content without being a second job, and let's face it, it pretty much is already for those running 5x5 anyways.
I just don’t get this mentality of MCOC. Why should energy even matter? Who cares! If alliances want to move in blocks so be it.
The ONLY reason is buffs. You can’t buff up and move far in AQ or War.
You want 30 minute timers for Map6 while everyone else running maps 1-5 gets 1 hour timers
Yeah that seems fair.