Awaken/Rank Up: Gwenpool, Scarlet Witch, or Archangel

As the title says, I'm trying to decide how to proceed with ranking up and awakening two out of three of my 4★ champions: Gwenpool, Scarlet Witch, and Archangel. All three champions are 4★; all three are Rank 4/5. I have one generic 4★ awakening gem and only enough Tier 4 basic catalysts to take one champion to r5. My current plan is to max out Gwenpool at r5 and awaken Archangel.
Thoughts and suggestions? Thanks in advance for your insights.
Thoughts and suggestions? Thanks in advance for your insights.
No regrets awakening either AA or SW, although SW really benefits from a high sig level (60+). AA really comes alive when he's sig level 40+ because then 3 neuro's will grant you 100% ability reduction.
I followed my original thought: I ranked up Gwenpool to 5/5 and took her to level 38. Then, I awakened Archangel and put 81 signature stones into him. The differences are significant.
Now, I plan to awaken Scarlet Witch when I 100% Act 4, or finish Road to the Labyrinth. (I'll save those awakening gems if she's duped along the way.)
This, when I have the resources.