Just a fun (to me) question for yall

I got to thinking about this when I saw Sabertooth and Bishop as upcoming champs. Is there a champion (or champions) that you would go all out saving for once you saw they were confirmed, regardless of which "tier" they are expected to be?
What I mean is this. When I saw Sabertooth and Bishop, I decided yup, I'm saving all 5* shards and units until they come out. I don't care if they are hulkbuster/Joe fixit level, they are favorites of mine from the comics when I was a kid. It'll be just as exciting as when I pulled War Machine, my favorite of all time. No real use in the game, but I'm incredibly happy I have him.
Just curious to see what others might have to say.
What I mean is this. When I saw Sabertooth and Bishop, I decided yup, I'm saving all 5* shards and units until they come out. I don't care if they are hulkbuster/Joe fixit level, they are favorites of mine from the comics when I was a kid. It'll be just as exciting as when I pulled War Machine, my favorite of all time. No real use in the game, but I'm incredibly happy I have him.
Just curious to see what others might have to say.
I just pulled psylocke this week, and have every mutant in the game as a 4* or higher.