Tier 4/5 alliance looking for 1 new member

Hi there!

Do you enjoy MCOC?
Are you a skillful player?
Maybe you have completed master difficulty or even uncollected events regularly?
Yet you just can’t seem to settle in a good alliance as you are:

A working professional?
A person with family commitments?
Gets kicked out of an alliance just because you didn’t answer to a message on LINE to clear a node in AQ?

Or maybe you just can’t seem to find an organized and structured alliance since there are just hundreds of thousands of them in MCOC!

Why not take sometime to consider our alliance?

Welcome to the alliance: JitL - Light of the World

We are currently a tier 4-5 alliance, top 6-7% in MCOC.

Overview of the alliance:
We are an active and growing alliance! We have strict requirements of those we allow to join only because we want the best for everyone. We are also made up of players from all walks of life, of different nations. Most of us are working professionals with families too! Rules are here for our good, so that we might have order and structure. We are an organized alliance and we strive to improve as we progress forward. In view of the profile of our members, we do not intend to end up becoming a hardcore alliance with weekly donations for high end quest maps. This is to ensure our members also spend time with their families as they enjoy this game

The values of our alliance:
1. We love to see you grow
2. We are ok to accept new players but who are willing to learn and grow with us
3. We want to teach you about this game and share all the experience we have so that you can grow with us as a family.
4. We value strong communication
5. We value following of clear instructions
6. We sacrifice for the good of one another
7. We respect the differences of people of all walks of life.

As we currently only have 1 spot available, we are quite selective as to who we permit. If you are keen, do text me in game or on LINE.

In Game: Bercanees
LINE: Bercanees

In there, you will be provided the alliance brief where you can read more about our alliance structure and governance.

We are currently doing:
AQ: 44422
AW: 221

AW - 2 rounds of 2 BGs and 1 round of 1 BG.

Some of our members are highly skillful (tier 2 standards) but remain in this alliance due to its relaxed structure.

It’s a great place for game / life balance!

Hear from you!


  • BercaneesBercanees Member Posts: 12
    Hi all!

    Positions has been filled. Some are shortlisted for consideration.

    Thank you to the interest! Be in touch!
  • BobomanBoboman Member Posts: 716 ★★
    Are there spots that are open in the future?
  • BercaneesBercanees Member Posts: 12
    Hi Boboman! We might have a spot in a few days as a member is retiring. Do Pm me in game or via LINE. :)
  • BercaneesBercanees Member Posts: 12
    Dear all:
    We have 2 openings for this alliance as our founder has just retired. We are looking for strong and committed members to join our ranks.
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