Evading bullets

Is it possible to completely evade bullets? Every time to evade when someone shoots at me, dexterity appears on the screen sometimes multiple times to show that it triggered but my champ still always falls down. Can you evade bullets completely or do i just need more practice?
Example: Winter Soldier SP1 = simple to evade with anyone. But his SP2 you'll need a passive evade champ like Dare Devil or Spark and hope the RNG is in your favour.
If you used certain champs that have ability to evade or specifically evading projectiles, it will make things easier for you, for example, Daredevil, and in some cases nightcrawlers, spiderman, quake, ultron, etc.
However, assuming in many cases, we bring champs that do not naturally evade, but it is all DOWN TO OUR SKILLS in evading, then it has to be TIMING, and REACTION, and MUSCLE MEMORIES, and how much we have practiced to know it well how to EVADE DIFF CHAMPS' DIFF SP1/2/3.
Generally the evading skills are similar, but some opponent champs SP can be tricker than the other. Having said that, I myself at times can consistently evade some champs, but on the other hand have low success rate on other champs I consider trouble makers to me.
Here's some helpful videos, in case you haven't seen them yet. You may want to consider goto the global ranking, pick some top notch champs, and duel them to practise. Another good candidate for practise who also shoot bullets, is Winter Soldiers in ROL. Good luck.
How To Evade Attacks In Marvel Contest of Champions: Like A Ninja!
marvel contest of champions: Evading bullets
How to Evade Punisher's Special Attack 1
Evading Unblockable Special 2 - Quick Tip | Marvel Contest of Champions
Recently in map 5 I was just clearing the middle lane and fought agent venom and found out something that cheered me up. I never knew this till now but when he does his sp1 you can evade the last 4 bullets and only get hit by one of them. To do this as soon as the first bullet hits you while you are blocking immediately swipe back and you will evade the rest.
This is great, coz I think I normally only evaded like 2 or 3 of his bullets.
I sure would like to try this out later when I have time
Cuz he dodges bullets!
Daredevil awakened sig 99 be like: