4 mil alliance LF strong activ members 80k+ all events aq and wars

4 mil alliance Looking for strong activ members for AQ and Aw if you Wanna be a part of a up moving alliance with a great bunch of people then apply now.
All you need to have is a 80.000+ rating and are using line. We have a great community with great fun and serious play, got doubt about masteries champs or
what to improve we got members that help in every way they can with great guidens and fun chat. Add Clerreck in game or on line and be a part of (GOoOD) Glory Of Defiance.
All you need to have is a 80.000+ rating and are using line. We have a great community with great fun and serious play, got doubt about masteries champs or

what to improve we got members that help in every way they can with great guidens and fun chat. Add Clerreck in game or on line and be a part of (GOoOD) Glory Of Defiance.