Mordo's soul barb l2 not working [Resolved]

After the update mordo's soul barb seems to have been significantly reduced. Here is some screen shots of my r5 5* Mordo. over 8000 before the update and just over 500 after the update.

Post edited by Kabam Miike on
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The Mordo on the first picture has a different number under him.
the team is different. that in no way effects soul barb.
Soul barb barely put a dent against KG
Look at his fury and armor buffs now. They have the passive effect border. So now they don't count to soul barb, or spirit venom, or ronins atk increase.
We just got kabamed
Not quite. If you look at the first screenshot that was also posted in this thread, you can see that the same border exists there.
So did you guys bait and switch? Or did you guys screw up the update?
Which is it?
And more importantly, when is it going to be working as intended?
Like I just said, we're looking into this right now. If there is an issue with Mordo's Soul Barb (like it seems there is), we'll work on a fix.
Sorry for jumping to conclusions without all the facts.
Yes! This was resolved shortly after 17.0. I'll close the thread now.