Trials of the King "HARD" are R4 4*s. What was Expert?

Hey! just wanted to share this so it may help people not waste a day on the wrong difficulty like I did (I knew it was one per day... just did not know how hard each one actually was as "Hard" and "Expert" have been varying degrees of difficult in various events).
So I wanted to share that i did "Hard" and it was very easy with R4 4*s (and that is basically what the enemies were... R4 4*s). Going to do "Expert" for the remainder (just figured it was a bit out of my reach as sometimes it is on other events).
Can anyone please share what the PI was on Expert?
Hope this helps!
So I wanted to share that i did "Hard" and it was very easy with R4 4*s (and that is basically what the enemies were... R4 4*s). Going to do "Expert" for the remainder (just figured it was a bit out of my reach as sometimes it is on other events).
Can anyone please share what the PI was on Expert?
Hope this helps!
Thanks! Only 3 enemies too?
The ramp always seems a bit off to me.. but it will be worth a try tomorrow. Would really suck if one is too easy and then the next is too hard...
I got past GG with Civil Warrior, but it wasn't fun (Ultimate Wakandan crystal made up for it).
Astonishingly stupidly, I forgot to take Guillotine into this challenge (I'll remember next week!). I haven't had the opportunity to take her against GG before: She reverses active healing; whilst GG's Madness-driven regeneration is described as passive. Can she reverse it?
I had Voodoo.Wolvy.SIM...hyp took down Voodoo and SIM. But if you ask me 200+ regen is complete overkill and wasnt necessary
used my R4 5* Magik for ultron, took about 109 hits so I learned my lesson
used AA for Wolvie, piece of cake
used Starky for GG .. Evade until you have 10 poise charges and then smash .. took 16 hits to take him down ..
Hmmm... so would it be too hard for my roster (all max level in their rank... also my skill level is not amazing, I usually can solo only up to 8k or so comfortably)?
5* R2 Mordo
4* R4 Ghost Rider
4* R4 Quake
4* R4 Rouge
4* R4 Nebula
That is my best time (no more R4s yet, next on list to R4 is Gulli and Hulk unless I get another God Tier by then).
Ultron sucked, Quake took him out.
IP and GG fell easy to AA.
4*R5 Quake, 4*R4 AA
The AI seems to like blocking while AO is active.
My MVP was Switch: she nullified lots of arcs overload. My 5* Guillotine was on the team but didn't need to use her (was my last resource, if the others failed)
Will be bit difficult in expert tier. The regen is insane. GR can heal block but not very effective all the time. Quake charging can stop then I believe. Will have to play extremely well to clear. I just finished expert with 4 stars r5 hype, r5 spidy spark, r4 yondu duped, r4 unduped ice, r4 AA duped. Bad luck, didn't get the wakandan crystal though
The AI was very passive for me too. They certainly took a bit more baiting than other champs I've faced with similar ranks. Really hate when they crawl into their shell when timers/regen are in play.
for all difficulties:
Do these always give a crystal or is it random rewards like MODOK's Lab?
NVM... just went and read the post again and it says there is a chance on each difficulty to win one of these and/or some shards:
"For those who are unaware, Ultimate Crystals guarantee a 3-Star Hero, with a chance to award a 4-Star Hero. The heroes present in this Ultimate Crystal are:
Black Panther
Black Panther (Civil War)
Captain America
Captain America (WWII)
Winter Soldier
Iron Man
Black Widow
War Machine
Seems I got pretty lucky pulling a 4* Storm.... sh is one of the best in the crystal (Cap WWII, Hulk, Widow, and Storm are the really good ones... also would love to have/try Kilmonger).
Really? I fought Voodoo, Wolverine and Goblin. Is it different for each account?
Must be. I had King Groot, Falcon, and Voodoo
Today for Expert trial of time I ended up with:
Kingpin, Lost nightcrawler when KP was at 3% to a SP3 as I was about to combo, finished off with magik.
Thor, The witch destroyed him, had two regen stacks on the witch and an 18k SP2 and I haven't seen that for a very long time.
BPCW, Archangel made a mess of him
My team is all 4/40's
Still no wakandan crystal.
AI likes blocking to run the timer down,, I tapped Thor 8 times before deciding to heavy and got a facecombo for my trouble.
As for Wakandan Crystal I did get one yesterdays and got a 4* Storm from it (lucky on both counts)... today I got a 5* Sig Stone Crystal.
Each with 12k pi.
Not difficult at all